Title: Respite Care Waterford - Always Best Care
1Always Best Care of Oakland County
2What Does A Healthy Diet For Seniors Include?
- In old age, most seniors face different health
issues. To deal with such health problems, they
need to have good mental and physical health. It
has been scientifically proven that a balanced
diet plays an important role to keep their mind
and body in a healthy condition. So, through a
balanced diet, you must take all the important
nutrients required for your body.
3Here Are Some Foods That Are Important For
Seniors Health
Colored Fruits and Green Vegetables
Milk Products
Grains and Pulses
4Healthy Eating Practices for Seniors During the
Winter Season
- As older adults are more prone to the winter
blues, it is important for them to know the best
eating practices to implement during the winter
season. You should stock up on winter fruits and
vegetables, like pomegranates, cranberries,
citrus fruits, grapes, and root vegetables. It is
also important to eat to support your immune
5Eating Healthy Refers to Eating Food Items With
Higher Nutrition Value
Fruits and vegetables
Lean protein
Whole grains
Low-fat dairy
6Make sure the food items you choose are high in
fiber, low in sodium, and salt
Reading the Nutrition Facts label can help you
analyze different food items nutrition value
Overeating can lead to weight related issues in
older adults therefore eating recommended
servings is the best
Drinking water is best for every age group. So,
stay hydrated
7Senior Home Health Care Services
Seniors struggling with meal management can
greatly benefit from the Home Health Care
provided by Always Best Care in Farmington Hills.
The senior care organization has been providing
quality care services to the elderly since 1996.
8Contact us
Brandon Kassab Call Us (248) 579-4426 29226
Orchard Lake Rd. Ste. 100 Farmington Hills, MI
9Thank You
Visit at https//www.alwaysbestcare.com/mi/southf