Title: Cubetaxi, a Taxi-hailing app is now in Uganda
1Cubetaxi, a Taxi-hailing app is now in Uganda
2Public Transportation has always has been
challenging in the developed cities around
Africa. All credits go to technology, such type
of challenges are being solved. Cubetaxi is the
latest ride-hailing taxi service provider company
for East Africa. If you think to start your taxi
business like Uber, Lyft, Careem in
Uganda. Cubetaxi is the best app.
3Benefits of The Ridesharing App
- Provides large access of Drivers and Riders
- Flexibility in payment methods
- Partnering with the other taxi drivers and
services - Maintain user by offering distinct features
- Easy and enhanced speed of services
4Free Features of the Cubetaxi Uber clone app
- Localization features
- Texting options
- Payment GateWay options
- Complete White Labeling
- App submission to Google Play store
- Open Source Code
- Language of your choice
- Currency of your choice
- App launch in Itunes app Store
- Payment Gateway options
- Free Manual Taxi Dispatch Panel
- Pickup and drop restriction using Geo fencing
5Unique Paid Features of the Cubetaxi Uber clone
- Corporate Rides
- KIOSK Booking App
- Admin Rights Roles
- VOIP Based Call Masking
- Company dispatch panel
- Advertisement Banner
- Carpool/ Rideshare
- Hotel/Tourist Office booking Panel
- Tracing Ride by Family/Friends
6Contact Us for build Uber clone app in Uganda
sales_at_cubetaxi.com 1 (858) 427-0668 (World
Wide) https//www.cubetaxi.com/