Title: Job Application Writer – Fonts/Formatting
1Modern PowerPoint Presentation
2Job Application Writer Fonts/Formatting
It us funny sometimes but as highly skilled job
application writers sometimes we stumble on
clients who simply have no idea when it comes to
job application writing, preparing quality
Resumes or even in preparing for interviews.
3Many clients believe that their Resume should be
fancy or pretty, have flowers and bows on it and
basically jump out at the reader. Maybe if you
were applying for an artistic related job or a
job in graphic design then there is good reason
to have a very fancy and arty Resume. However
when I was working in the public service I was
chairperson of hundreds of interview panels and
my first impressions of the applicants Resume or
their covering letter really laid the foundation
for whether I would bother to read the whole
application. A fancy Resume generally suggested
to me that the person was all fluff and bubble
and short on substance and that the fancy artwork
on the document was a subconscious attempt to
cover up their shortcomings in their application.
Obviously this not a hard and fast finding based
on research but it generally proved relevant in
my public sector days at least.
4So in preparing Resumes and job
applications/cover letters I rarely venture
outside a very standard and professional format
and font style. I have a preference for Times New
Roman 12 point as the font style and this is
purely because it looks professional plus I was
told many years ago in a training course that
font with little feet under the letters like
Times New Roman are better remembered than other
font styles and therefore this is the font I
basically use unless a Government job
specifically asks for a specific font and type
size such as Arial 11 point. Plus in my public
sector days Times New Roman 12 point was the
standard font and size used in the public service
at the time. So I always use to think you do
what the Romans do if they write in Times New
Roman 12 point then if you are corresponding with
a Government Department then you correspond with
them on their terms. So if an applicant knows
that a specific Department has a preference for a
font style and type size then that is what you
should use in your application unless the job
guidelines/requirements specify a different
5Also sometimes in applying a Department might
specify that they require applications to be
fully justified or left hand justified. Again it
is essential that you comply with the application
requirements. If no formatting is specified, I
normally fully justify my documents. Again this
is a personal preference and I just believe the
documents look much more professional being fully
6Obviously headings should stand out and here is
where you can maybe add some creativity with a
different font and larger type size and certainly
you should use bolding, underlining or Italics in
order to draw attention to your headings. So
think carefully when preparing documents in
applying for jobs. Get the little things right
and this will go a long way to winning that job.
7If anyone needs a specialist job application
writer or needs to hire a business highly
experienced in job application writing across
virtually all industries then please contact us
at Red Tape Busters www.redtapebusters.com
8Get professional help
- We are specialists in providing the following
services - Lobbying
- Tender Writing
- Grant Writing
- Resumes/Job Applications
- Organisational/Business Development.
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