Title: MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
1MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
2MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Entire Course For more classes
visits www.snaptutorial.com MGT 490 Week 1 Assig
nment Part 1 - Overview of Organization Problem MG
T 490 Week 1 DQ 1 Strategic Partner MGT 490 Week 1
DQ 2 Evolution of Work MGT 490 Week 2 Assignment
Part 2 - Environment Analysis MGT 490 Week 2 DQ 1
Strategic Intent MGT 490 Week 2 DQ 2 Employee Moti
3MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 1 Assignment Part 1 - Overview of
Organization Problem For more classes
visits www.snaptutorial.com Part 1 - Overview of
Organization/Problem In a 2-3 page paper
4MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 1 DQ 1 Strategic Partner For more
classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 1 DQ 1
Strategic Partner The field of human resources is
evolving from providing services to an organizatio
n to becoming a strategic partner in its growth.
Analyze and discuss how the role of human resource
s today can provide value as a strategic partner i
n an organization. Your original response to this
discussion question should be 150-
5MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 1 DQ 2 Evolution of Work For more
classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 1 DQ 2
Evolution of Work Effective human resources profes
sionals have a solid understanding of the changing
nature of work and the workplace. Compare and con
trast the evolution of work and the workplace over
the past 20 years and how it has impacted human r
esources. Your original response to this discussio
n question should be 150-200 words. Please respon
d to at least two (2) fellow student postings, adv
ancing and
6MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 2 Assignment Part 2 - Environment
Analysis For more classes visits www.snaptutoria
l.com Part 2 - Environment Analysis Optimal sol
utions are determined when a researcher has a thor
ough understanding of a company and its industry,
along with the strengths and weaknesses that impac
t its future viability.
7MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 2 DQ 1 Strategic Intent For more
classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 2 DQ 1
Strategic Intent HR planning should be focused on
helping the organization achieve its strategic int
ent, which derives from its vision. These strateg
ies need to both service the short-term, operation
al concerns (business planning) and the slightly l
8MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 2 DQ 2 Employee Motivation For
more classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 2
DQ 2 Employee Motivation Recruitment is of little
use if an organization cannot retain key employees
. Therefore, it is critical that organizations pr
operly motivate and reward their employees. Discu
ss the factors that affect employee motivation and
how a proper reward system can affect an employee
s motivation.
9MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 3 Assignment Part 3 - Financial
Analysis For more classes visits www.snaptutoria
l.com Part 3 - Financial Analysis Nearly every
problem or issue confronting an organization has a
financial or budgetary impact. For instance, staf
f turnover has not only a direct cost on recruitme
nt expenses, training costs, and productivity, but
also an indirect cost related to the loss of orga
nizational learning. In Part 3, detail the financi
al implications to the organization related to you
r problem or issue,
10MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 3 DQ 1 Career Tracks For more
classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 3 DQ 1
Career Tracks The workplace is moving from career
ladders to career tracks, with employees accepting
responsibility for managing their own careers. E
laborate on this new phenomenon, discussing specif
ic strategies that human resources can promote to
help people help themselves. Your original respons
e to this discussion question should be 150-
11MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 3 DQ 2 Global Leaders For more
classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 3 DQ 2
Global Leaders Identifying and developing global l
eaders is a key concern for international companie
s. Compare and contrast the skills and context of
the traditional, national manager with that of th
e international manager. Your original response to
this discussion question should be 150-200 words.
Please respond to at least two (2) fellow studen
t postings, advancing and debating the key points
of their posting.
12MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 4 DQ 1 Skills to Be Effective For
more classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 4
DQ 1 Skills to Be Effective The role of HR is to h
elp make business successful through great people
and people management. Elaborate on the key skill
s required to be an effective human resource profe
ssional, as well as some of the challenges in acqu
iring those skills. Your original response to this
discussion question should be 150-200 words. Ple
ase respond to at least two (2) fellow student pos
tings, advancing and debating the key points of th
eir posting.
13MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 4 DQ 2 No Boundaries For more
classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 4 DQ 2
No Boundaries Mergers, globalization, and the desi
re to bring the right people together to work on t
he right projects are just some reasons employees
are increasingly likely to be required to work bey
ond their own departmental or organizational bound
aries. Discuss the challenges of working across bo
undaries and how human resources can prepare emplo
yees to thrive in a boundary-less organization. Yo
ur original response to this discussion question s
hould be 150-
14MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper For more
classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Final Paper
As the global marketplace becomes increasingly mo
re competitive, it is incumbent upon human resourc
es to broaden its strategic mission and become a s
trategic partner with executive staff. This requir
es human resources to have a detailed understandin
g of not only the human resources field, but the s
trengths and challenges of its organization, and t
he complexities of its industry.
15MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 5 DQ 1 Role of Culture For more
classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 5 DQ 1
Role of Culture An organizations culture can be a
debilitating impediment to the development and im
plementation of its strategic plan. Discuss the r
ole of culture along with specific strategies that
would create a positive climate within the organi
zation. Your original response to this discussion
question should be
16MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com
MGT 490 Week 5 DQ 2 Knowledge Management For
more classes visits www.snaptutorial.com Week 5
DQ 2 Knowledge Management Given the rate of techno
logical change and global market pressures, there
is considerable change and uncertainty in many org
anizations. Organizational value is determined mo
re by knowledge (intellectual capital) rather than
the traditional factors of productions
17MGT 490 Believe Possibilities - snaptutorial.com