Title: Basic Elements of Music- Eshwar Peeraji Kalpatri
1Basic Elements of MusicBy Eshwar Piraji Kalpatri
2Elements of Music
- Dynamics
- Instrumentation
- Meter
- Tempo
- Texture
- Timbre
- Is the music soft or loud?
- What instruments/voices are used?
- Are groups of 3 or 4 used?
- Is the music fast or slow?
- Is there harmony? How is it organized?
- Is the music dark or brilliant rich or mellow?
3Dynamic Markings
Pianissimo Very Soft
Piano Soft
Mezzo Piano Moderately Soft
Mezzo Forte Moderately Loud
Forte Loud
Fortissimo Very Loud
Decrescendo Gradually Softer
Crescendo Gradually Louder
4Instrument Families
Woodwind Brass String Percussion
Flute Trumpet Violin/Fiddle Drum
Clarinet Trombone Double Bass Piano
Saxophone French Horn Guitar Marimba/ Xylophone
Oboe Tuba Banjo Bells
Bassoon Euphonium Dulcimer Triangle
4/4 1 2 3 4
3/4 1 2 3
6/8 1 2 3 4 5 6 or 1 a 2 a
Presto very fast (168200 bpm)
Allegro fast and bright (120168 bpm)
Allegretto moderately fast
Moderato moderately (108120 bpm)
Andante at a walking pace (76108 bpm)
Adagio slow and stately (6676 bpm)
Grave slow and solemn
Lento very slow (4060 bpm)
Simple Same rhythm played by all musicians
Complex Different rhythm played by each musician
Monophonic One melodic line without harmonic accompaniment
Polyphonic Multiple melodic voices which are independent from one another
Homophonic multiple voices in which the melody and other voices form a background of harmonic accompaniment. All parts have very similar rhythm.
Heterophonic two or more voices simultaneously performing variations of the same melody
Presto very fast (168200 bpm)
Allegro fast and bright (120168 bpm)
Allegretto moderately fast
Moderato moderately (108120 bpm)
Andante at a walking pace (76108 bpm)
Adagio slow and stately (6676 bpm)
Grave slow and solemn
Lento very slow (4060 bpm)
9Timbre(tone color)
- dark brilliant
- opaque - transparent
- rich - mellow
- fuzzy - clear
- dull - sharp
- complex - simple