Title: dearielawpc
Harbison Kavanagh
Best Disability Lawyers In Virginia
At HARBISON KAVANAGH, We are disability lawyers
in virginia since 1998, We have been handling
thousands of personal injury, workers
compensation and Social Security Disability
cases, from minor injuries to complex cases. We
help people get closure on their workers
compensation cases and get their benefits in
Social Security disability cases.
3Why To Choose Us?
As a Disability Lawyer, Our role is to
accomplish clients goals, As we understand Our
clients are typically going through one of the
toughest times in their lives, in which Financial
devastation is common. We also know that there
can be few things as life-changing as the outcome
of client Social Security Disability (SSD) claim,
SSI claim, or workers compensation claim if you
are injured on the job.Working with an SSD
attorney who has specific experience with your
type of claim is a great advantage. When we walk
into court, we want to be the most prepared party.
4We Can Help You Under the Virginia Workers
Compensation Act
- Wage Replacement
- Lifetime Medical Benefits
- Permanent Partial Impairment
- Permanent and Total Disability
- Death Benefits
- Cost of Living Increase
- Vocational Rehabilitation
5Get Free Consultation
Call Us Now (804) 888-8000 Main Office 9115
Dickey Drive Mechanicsville, VA
23116 Fredericksburg Office 1400 Princess Anne
St, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 www.harbisonkavanagh