Female Infertility Treatment in Hyderabad | IVF Centres in Hyderabad - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Female Infertility Treatment in Hyderabad | IVF Centres in Hyderabad


Sridevi Fertility is best IVF Centre in Hyderabad, get treated for all your fertility problems with best female fertility specialist in Hyderabad – Dr.Swetha Thumula. Female infertility treatments at Sridevi Fertility hospital enables patients to have convenient and painless fertility treatment. Call - 040 27668427, 7032341439. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Female Infertility Treatment in Hyderabad | IVF Centres in Hyderabad

Best IVF Center in Hyderabad
Female Infertility
What is infertility?
Failing to conceive or get pregnant even after a
year of unprotected sex.
Is infertility only a womans problem?
No, both men and women can have infertility
What are the symptoms of female infertility?
  • Women may experience different symptoms depending
    upon the reason behind her infertility. The most
    common among them are
  • Abnormal periods, either very heavy or very light
  • No bleeding, either you never had your periods or
    it suddenly stopped
  • Irregular bleeding, where the dates vary every
  • Painful menstrual cycles, when you experience
    severe back pain, pelvic area pain or cramping
  • Women suffering from infertility issues due to
    hormonal imbalance may have
  • A visible change in their skin colour and become
    more prone to acne
  • A change in their sex drive
  • Some dark hair growth on their lips and chin
  • Severe hair loss or thinning of hair
  • A sudden weight gain
  • Apart from these symptoms, painful sex is another
    very prominent symptom of Female Infertility .

What are the reasons behind female infertility?
  • Some very prominent reasons behind female
    infertility are
  • Age fertility in women decreases by 3-5 every
    year and she is least fertile after 40.
  • Obesity- excessive weight gain may result in
    menstrual dysfunctions, miscarriages and other
    neonatal complications.
  • Smoking and/or drugs Smoking, alcoholism and
    drug addictions may give rise to menstrual
    complications and genetic abnormalities which on
    its turn makes a woman infertile or delays the
    chances of pregnancy.
  • Hormonal causes Ovulation problems happening
    due to improper hormonal imbalance responsible
    for egg release and thickening of the uterine
  • Damaged fallopian tubes A damaged fallopian
    tube, caused due to any pelvic surgery,
    infections of endometriosis, preventing the
    meeting of the egg and the sperm.
  • Cervical reasons- An unfavourable cervical
    condition that does not allow the sperm to reach
    the cervix. This might be due to non receptive
    mucus formation or due to the presence of
  • Uterine reasons Development of Polyps, Fibroids
    or due to unusual anatomy of the uterus.
  • Unexplained reasons The reasons behind
    infertility cannot be detected.

When to see a doctor?
Fertility in women decreases rapidly after the
age of 30. If a woman is below 35 and trying to
conceive for over a year without success, then
she should see the doctor. For woman over 35, the
time limit is 6 months, after that she should
seek medical help.
How is female infertility evaluated?
  • Pelvic examination to examine the pelvic area for
    abnormalities and infections
  • Measuring female hormones like estrogen, FSH and
    progesterone to ensure proper ovulation
  • Measuring thyroid Functions
  • Ultrasounds
  • Pap smear
  • Tests require to investigate about the factors
    like tubal patency.

What Assisted Reproductive Technologies a woman
can opt for?
  • A woman can opt for
  • IUI  Intrauterine Insemination
  • IVF- In-Vitro Fertilisation
  • ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
  • Surrogacy
  • A woman cannot choose the treatment procedure on
    her own, she needs the assistance of a fertility
    expert to direct her towards the right option
    that will yield the best possible result for her.

Can infertility be prevented? How?
Infertility may happen due to a numerous factors.
So, it cannot be prevented altogether. However,
you can reduce the factors causing infertility in
women to a considerable extent. All it requires
is to eat a healthy and balanced diet that
includes a plenty of folates (folic acid),
exercise regularly, maintain a proper body weight
and taking care of personal hygiene.
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Sridevi Fertility DNO 1-10-224/A Ashoknagar X
Roads IAS study circle, Ashok Nagar Extension, VV
Giri Nagar, Jawahar Nagar, Kavadiguda, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500020
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