Title: Supplements That Are Safe For A Diabetic
Choosing the right type of food could literally
mean life or death. You have to constantly watch
what you put in your mouth, and make sure it
does not destabilise the sugar levels in your
blood. As a diabetic who is keen on weight
training, you have to make sure the supplements
youre using are right for you. BEFORE YOUR
WORKOUT when training with weights, youre
looking to increase your energy and strength
during the workout, while keeping your sugar
levels safe. This is why you should also make
sure your pre-workout protein sources dont have
any ca?eine in them. Ca?eine could interfere
with the glucose levels in your blood. Protein
Powders and Bars Bars such as Quest Bars and Oh
Yeah! Bars are great as a workout snack, since
theyre packed with protein and essential
nutrients, and have no arti?cial
sweeteners. Creatine, Amino Acids, and other
body building nutrients If youre a diabetic,
then its important to look into supplement
studies. Theyve shown using creatine can cause
abnormalities in how your pancreas produces
insulin, and can also cause changes in glucose
homeostasis. This is just a fancy way of saying
you should talk to your physician before
incorporating creatine into your diet. Other
major body building nutrients are Amino Acids,
nitrates, and CLA (Conjugated Linoleic
Acid). Reference Bostami, B. (2019).
Supplements That Are Safe For A Diabetic - Speak
Loud. online Speak Loud. Available at
http//www.speakloud.com.au/supple- ments-that-are
-safe-for-a-diabetic/ Accessed 20 Feb. 2019.