Title: CoolerHeater
1AC Cleaning
2AC Cleaning Dubai
- Cleaning your air conditioner is not as difficult
as you think and once you do it, you will have
confidence in how to do it again. Thats what you
need to do
3- Clean the condenser coils
- For this first step and for all subsequent steps,
you must stop all the power entering the air
conditioning unit. Turn off any power points you
plug in and even turn them off on the circuit
board, if possible. You will have to deal with
the large external component of your system for
this step and it is essential that there is no
electricity in the system you need to remove the
outer casing, which will most likely require a
screwdriver or similar tool. After removing the
outer case, remove all other components that
prevent access to the coils, and then locate the
4- Brush any dirt or dust on the surface with a
brush or a rigid dust cloth and remove the dirt
caught or hardened by the application of a
cleaning and rinse aid (water spray) after 10 or
15 minutes. While youre there, you should also
check the wings of the bobbin, and if they are
bent or damaged, you can comb them directly with
a fine comb that you can buy from most stores
hardware or specialist stores.
5Remove and clean the filtersIt is time to
move to the indoor unit for this step. If you
remove or raise the front air conditioner front
grille, you should be able to remove a large
panel or two smaller panels. These filter panels
are the main line of defense for your unit
against various air damages such as dust and
bacteria. However, it means that they tend to get
dirty and clutter incredibly fast and need to be
cleaned more regularly than other parts of the
device. The reverse is that the filters are the
easiest cleaning component. To clean the panels,
simply remove them from the outside, making sure
you do not dislodge the dust inside the house and
dispose of them on a ramp or any post. This will
remove most of the dust and dirt, and any
remaining dirt can simply be removed from the
vacuum cleaner.
6- Clean the fan coil in the indoor unit
- This is the part of the inner unit that truly
tries to eliminate the fresh air from the unit
and the room it serves. To access the ventilation
coil, you will need to completely remove the
chassis from the indoor unit, which will most
likely require the use of a screwdriver or
similar tool. Once you have accessed the fan
coil, purge it with a suitable cleaning solution,
let it run for a few minutes, then rinse with
warm water. Do not worry about spill or clutter,
because most, if not all, leaks will be trapped
in the drain pan. Rinse the fan coil until the
drain is completely clean and there is no
solution, but be careful not to flood the drain
pan! Allow to drain before rinsing more. Allow
the fan coil to dry at least partially before
replacing the chassis.
7Your air conditioning system must have regular
professional services to check refrigerant
levels, check the thermostat and make sure all
inmates are in good condition. This will allow
the unit to work for many years.
8AC Cleaning
- Website https//www.coolerandheater.co/en/ac-cle
aning/ - Contact 055-3300942