Title: Spacious One Bedroom Vacation Rentals Villa South Florida
1Vacation Rentals Villa South Florida
- Website www.villatunis.com
2Welcome to Villa Tunis, your home is a lush
3Imagine reading or relaxing in bright Florida sun
4Find your name on the welcome notice, then watch
favorite programs
5The Apartment has polished terrazzo floors
6Living room is ablaze with light
7Watch favorite programs on the 42
8Kitchen is fully equipped with everything needed
to cook gourmet meals
9Six can dine in the dinging area
10(No Transcript)
11Imagine reading or relaxing in bright Florida sun
12Master bedroom has queen-sized bed
13Watch programs lounging in the master bedroom
14Egyptian art decorates the apartment
15Imagine reading or relaxing in bright Florida sun
16Pottery comes from village potters in Egypt
17Stroll along the path to the garden and pool
18Swim in the heated pool
19Enjoy the lush landscaping
20Enjoy colorful hibiscus
21Sun in the terrace
22Enjoy breafast in the tropical garden
23The garden is a great place for afternoon drinks
24Plenty of parking in the front
25Villa Tunis welcomes you at night
26Stroll along the white sand beaches
27Thank you for watchingContact UsWebsite
www.villatunis.comEmail villatunis615_at_gmail.com
Phone 1 954-591-9002