Feast of Ascension - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Feast of Ascension


What can we learn from the feast of Ascension – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Feast of Ascension

Feast of Ascension
  • That where I am, there you may be also John
  • Looked (the apostles) steadfastly towards heaven
    as He went up Acts 110

A spirit of hope
  • If the end of Christ was to just die on the
    cross, what does that give us
  • Nothing
  • If had only resurrected what would that have done
    for us?
  • Prove that He is Christ
  • As he ascends to heaven, what does that do for
    us, provide us with a hope/goal.
  • We then see that beyond the suffering there is a
    reward, a place for us to rest

  • As Christ remain with His disciples He spoke to
    them about Heaven. He spoke to them about the
    glory that awaits them there.
  • For most of us that would make us anxious to be
    in a place of rest and comfort
  • By Him showing us heaven that gives us a taste of
    it which provides us with patients, and we see
    heaven in the church every time we enter.

The Promise
  • Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to you
    advantage that I go away, for if I do not go
    away, the Helper will not come to you, but if I
    depart, I will send Him to you John 167
  • The ascension of our Lord is a fulfillment of the
    promise that God will forever be with us, helping
    us a guiding us.
  • If it were not for the Holy Spirit (the
    Comforter) we would not be at peace

Names for the Holy Spirit
  • When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come. John
  • For if I go not away, the Comforter will not
    come unto you. John 167
  • The Spirit of Holiness Romans 14
  • For you received not the spirit of bondage again
    unto fear, but you received the Spirit of
    adoption, whereby we cry, ABBA, Father Romans
  • May give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation
    in the knowledge of Him Eph 117
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