Title: Get Spotless Skin - Tips By College Health TV
1Get Spotless Skin - Tips By College Health TV
Home Remedies
2Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is known as
anti-inflammatory contain antibacterial
properties that are very much helpful in acne
scar treatment arsenal. Just scoop out the gel
from Aloe Vera leaf then gently apply the gel on
your scars. Leave it for 30 minutes, then wash it
off with water. You should apply this for 2-3
times in a day.
3Lemon Lemon has bleach property which helps to
lighten scars also helps to remove dead skin
cells and increase new skin cell growth. Using a
cotton pad or your fingertips apply fresh lemon
juice directly on to the scars, leave for 10 Min,
you can apply 2 times in a day. Lemon juice and
honey can also be used to lighten scars. Apply
10-15 Min after washing with water. It can be
applied once in a day.
4Baking Soda Baking Soda works exactly like a
mild exfoliant which helps to remove scars. Just
take 2 tsp Baking Soda and add water to make a
smooth paste then apply on your scars. Leave it
for 2-5 Min then wash it off. You can apply it
once in a day, and apply for one month for the
best results.
5Turmeric Turmeric has Curcumin, the active
ingredient and skin-healing properties also have
anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce
scars. Take a little lemon juice and mix 1
tablespoon of turmeric powder and apply on the
scars. After 15 minutes just wash it off with
warm water. You can apply this twice daily.
6 Before
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