Title: Newest from Pokemon Singles
1Pokemon Singles
2Set Sun Moon - Lost Thunder Card
Number 205/214 Rarity Ultra Rare Retreat
Cost 2 Weakness Metal HP 200 Stage Stage
1 Card Type Fairy Resistance Psychic Name Alola
n Ninetales GX Finish Holo Attack 1 Y1
Snowy Wind 70 damage. This attack does 30 damage
to 1 of your opponents Benched Pokemon. (Dont
apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched
Pokemon.) Attack 2 Y1 Sublimation GX If
your opponents Active Pokemon is an Ultra
Beast, it is Knocked Out. Manufacturer The
Pokemon Company Ability Mysterious Guidance
When you play this Pokemon from your hand to
evolve 1 of your Pokemon during
3Set Neo Destiny Card Number 106 Rarity Shiny
Holo Rare Illustrator Hironobu Yoshida Retreat
Cost 1 Weakness 1 HP 50 Stage Basic Card
Type Grass Name Shining Celebi Finish Holo Edit
ion Unlimited Manufacturer Wizards of the Coast
4Set Neo Genesis Card Number 11 Rarity Holo
Rare Illustrator Ken Sugimori Retreat
Cost 3 Weakness 1 HP 100 Stage Stage 2 Card
Type Grass Name Meganium Finish Holo Edition U
nlimited Manufacturer Wizards of the Coast