Title: Non Profit Organizations Services - Harshwal & Company LLP
1Welcome to Harshwal Company LLP
2Not for Profit Organizations
Non Profit Accountants in Oakland and
Albuquerque At Harshwal Company, we are proud
to offer not for profit organizations with the
most productive accounting and audit services
available at a very affordable and effective
cost. Our services are entirely dedicated to the
client needs for generating maximum profit and
producing efficient outputs. It is necessary to
keep track of real-time accounts and finances
professionally for staying away from the risks of
financial crises. When you work with us, you
dont have to worry about the financial
headaches just outsource us as your accounting
department and focus on your future goals.
Visit https//www.harshwal.com/not-for-profits
3Non profit accounting services include
- Preparing and reviewing non profit financial
statements - Financial Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Accounting sheet and balance sheet format
- Audit and Accounting trouble-shooting
- Accounting for restricted funds
- Financial reporting
- Financial planning and risk management.
- Auditing and Assurance Services
- Consulting and Management advisory services
- Tax preparation, filling and return services.
Visit https//www.harshwal.com/not-for-profits
4Non Profit Accounting Services
On August 18th, 2016, the Forensic Specialties
Accreditation Board issued new rules and
regulations for NPOs. The motive behind the
implementation of the new rules is to provide
superior information to grant makers, donors,
creditors, and other individuals who go through
the non-profit financial statements. As per the
guidelines of the law, a non-profit organization
will be able to improve the approach to explain
its financial statements. The non-profit
organisation accounting services here is designed
to be in accordance with the new rule guidelines.
Our accounting services are centralized with a
goal to make clients feel like they recoup their
original investment, as well as additional
Visit https//www.harshwal.com/not-for-profits
5Why To choose HCLLP
- Trusted Business Consultants Advisors
- Personal Attention That Produces Results
- Extensive Tax Accounting Experience
- Valued Relationships With Our Clients
- Highly qualified team of accountants
- Timely Delivery Of Projects By Team Of Experts
- A Reputed Accounting Firm With Quality Assurance
Visit https//www.harshwal.com/not-for-profits
6Contact Us For Expert Assistance
BAY AREA 7677 Oakport Street Suite 460 Oakland,
CA 94621 Phone 510-452-5051
NEW MEXICO 6739 Academy Road NE, Suite 130,
Albq, NM 87109 Phone 505-814-1201
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 16870 W. Bernardo Drive,
Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92127 Phone
Mail us info_at_harshwal.com
Visit https//www.harshwal.com/not-for-profits
7Thanks for your interest in our Harshwal
Company LLP Not for Profit Services, we will be
pleased to help you our with your business needs.