Title: Secrets of Successful Online Trading - 5paisa
1Secrets of Successful Online Trading
Prsented by 5paisa.com
People who are new to stock markets are often
enthusiastic about Online Trading and look for
quick and easy ways to become rich. These factors
usually restrict their understanding of the
market, and they lose out on tactics of
trading Online Trading is not entirely
different from offline trading. While technology
is a major difference, there is also a difference
in terms of the responsibility for trades. When
the order is placed via a call, the onus is on
the dealer to execute instructions.
3Trading Secrets for the Newbie Traders
1. Limit the Capital Investment
The most valuable tip for any beginner is that he
should spend a limited amount of money as capital
initially. It is better to set a percentage limit
to the capital invested in one company or trade.
42. Do Not Expect Early Profits
The mindset of most of the beginners is to earn
short term gains. It acts as a hindrance in
rational decision making. Hence, beginners should
make sure that they carry the right attitude for
trading, not expecting quick profits.
53. Keep a Trading Journal
Staying updated with recent events and news is
essential in the stock market. Trade journals are
the best source for gaining knowledge.
64. Risk Analysis
As an internet trader, you are connected to
internet 24X7. That has its merits and demerits.
You have easy access to all the news, information
and insights at the click of your finger.
75. Invest Time to Understand Different Techniques
People who start to learn trading are familiar
with limited techniques. To be a successful
trader, it is a must to evolve different skills
and techniques.
86. Avoid Penny stocks
New traders should be cautious of these stocks as
they can easily get tempted to buy these stocks
in order to earn high returns.
97. Earn the Basics First
A lot of people start trading without actually
knowing the basics of the stock market. They are
not aware about how the market functions. Lack of
knowledge narrows the focus of trader to a single
strategy which he is aware of.
108. Diversification
Diversification is the process of investing in
different instruments in order to minimize risk.
It is useful for beginners who lack knowledge
about specific sectors.
11About Us
We know that your money is precious and has to be
invested carefully to get maximum returns. We
make this possible by bringing you technology
driven solutions that enable you to invest at a
lower cost. We empower you with information to
take right decisions at the right time. Our
simple and easy-to-use interface is aimed at
waking up the investor in you! The Digital
Investor of the future!
12Thank You