Title: Novy Pain Relief clinic in Coimbatore
1 Novy Pain Relief clinic in
2About our pain relief solution
- Novy Pain Relief oil has been formulated by a
family who has been in the medicine manufacturing
field for the past five generations. This family
has been well known for their traditional
formulation and has evolved with 54 medicine. - Novy Pain Relief oil is used for relieving pain
which consists of five herbal extracts, the
extracts has been formulated in such way using
modern double distillation technology only the
core element of the herb is used in the
formulation, so that it penetrates the skin
easily and acts immediately on the inflammations
and get rid of the pain in no time. There is a
detail instruction slip inside the pack which
directs you "how to use it"
3Novy as a skin ailment
- For Ring Worm Infection and fungal skin take
5ml of hot coconut oil and 15 drops of novy and
rub the affected part twice or thrice daily.
4 Novy as a mouthwash
- Mix 100ml of boiled water with 3 to 5 drops of
Novy and shake thoroughly, as Novy is a essential
oil blend. gargle 3 to 4 times daily.
5 Novy as an antiseptic
- For throat infection take 3-5 drops of Novy and
three grams of common salt in a solution of 100ml
warm water and gargle it frequently.
6 Novy as a after shavelotion
- One drop of Novy mixed gently in a spoon full of
water makes an excellent after shave lotion or
take one drop of Novy spread it in your hand and
apply it gently on your face.
7Novy acts as disinfectant
- Take 50ml water, add 50 drops of Novy, mix
throughly and keep it in the closed container and
sprinkle it where ever you want to kill odour
causing bacteria.
8 Novy as bronchodilator
- For breathing difficulties due to common cold,
etc, add a few drops of Novy to a vessel of
boiled water. Cover the head with towel and
inhale the medicated steam vapour.
9 Novy as a antiallergic
- For nasal congestion due to common cold, take one
drop of Novy spread it on the finger tips and
inhale the medicinal smell frequently till the
nasal block is releaved.
10 Novy as as analgesic
- For headache take a drop of Novy in your finger
tip and rub gently in the affected area. For
joint and muscular pain take a teaspoonful of
coconut oil or any suitable carrier oil add 15-20
drops of Novy mix thoroughly and massage on the
affected part till fully absorbed
11 Novy as a refresher
- End your bath by adding 10 to 30 drops of Novy to
a bucket of warm water mixed evenly and pour it
slowly over the body and wipe smoothly with a
towel. It keeps you fresh throughout the day.
12- We help you manage your pain with our
proven methods that are designed to make you feel
free of pain. It is time people knew that
Ayurveda can cure pain as well. - For free consultation you can visit our
Acuneuro clinic in RS puram by fixing
appointment.. Call us for an appointment
- Address Fugle Pharma,Sidco Industrial
Estate,Coimbatore 641021 -  Email info_at_novy.co.in
-  Phone 91-9443344731
- http//novy.co.in/pain-relief