Title: Homeopathy Plus Sydney
1 RC Homeopathy
2Chronic fatigue syndrome also known as Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis, It is a continuous feeling of
being tired both mentally and physically that can
make the affected individuals life
miserable. The body starts under performing even
for simple tasks. Even little exertion may drain
their energy. Doing simple routine tasks can also
make a person easily tired and resting also
doesnt bring any significant relief.
3Chronic Fatigue Symptoms Person feels tired
and drained even after sleep Pain in muscles or
joints Poor concentration Sore throat
Vision problems Enlarged lymph nodes The above
list is generalized so we recommend consulting a
homeopath for your specific symptoms Risk
Factors and Triggers Viral infection As in
some cases, chronic fatigue syndrome develops
after viral infection, it has been predicted that
may be these viruses actually trigger it up.
Dysfunctional Immune system People with this
disorder have an impaired immune system. But
there is no enough evidence to indicate whether
it alone causes chronic fatigue or in combination
with other underlying causes. Stress
Psychological stress can contribute to chronic
fatigue syndrome Genetic history A positive
family history may incline a person to this
syndrome Hormonal imbalances Abnormal blood
levels of hormones are produced by hypothalamus,
pituitary and adrenal glands. Gender and Age
mostly occur in the 40s and 50s. Reported more
in women.
4During your consultation with a homeopath, she
may analyze various patterns unique to you and
perform symptom similarity. A sum total of your
mental, emotional and physical pattern then
become the basis of homeopathic
treatment. Homeopathy doesnt use a disease label
for treating you with some predefined remedies.
Instead it is highly personalized for most
effective treatment. Being all natural, safe and
non-addictive you can only get better. Conventiona
l treatments, on the other hand, use a disease
label and treat with mainly antidepressants,
anxiolytics, painkillers, sleeping pills These
medicines can have long-lasting consequences
whose potent form is visible only in the form of
side effects. Thereby we highly recommend staying
as close to the natural remediesfor chronic
fatigue. One such popular holistic treatment is
homeopathy. Homeopathy for chronic fatigue
syndrome treatment has shown amazing
results. These remedies will work to increase
your body stamina and the threshold for
fatigue. Chronic fatigue which you were earlier
feeling for routine activities will now start
reducing. At the same time, homeopathic remedies
help the already efforting immune system to self
heal itself for the complete fatigue relief. As a
result, you start feeling refreshed again
mentally and physically. In homeopathy, you will
find medicines that support different cases of
fatigue-related issues.
5Homeopathic Remedies for Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome Arsenic album When you feel inclined
to lie down Simple activities cause fatigue
Fear of exertion due to loss of energy Extreme
anxiety Kali Phos Feels very tired and weak
memory Mental exertion leads to fatigue Even
small tasks feel huge The feeling of energy
drained Forgetfulness Gelsemium Drowsiness
and muscle pain Sleepiness with fatigue
present Heavy head Dizziness and vertigo
Muscle weakness and pain Picric Acid Weak
memory A person not capable of thinking
Headache Heaviness in body
6Touching close to the root cause, homeopathic
remedies for chronic fatigue syndrome provide
long lasting relief. In modern medicines whereby
you would in most cases be recommended with
antidepressants, anxiolytics, sleeping pills
depending upon your prescription, their continued
usage of these drugs or suppressants, in the long
run, can attract various side effects. Homeopathy
believes that symptoms are the bodys indication
of where the healing is needed. Thereby
homeopathic remedies try to treat the root cause
instead of providing a temporary relief by
symptom suppression. Homeopathic remedies act as
a nudge to the already working vital force so
that a process is initiated for self-healing to
take place. Â If you still have any doubt or
concerns, please feel free to drop me a message
at info_at_RChomeopathy.com.au and I will get back
to you soon. Note Do not self-medicate any of
the remedies listed above . Consult a qualified
7 Contact Us
- Our clinic locations
- Â 3 Antill Road, Edmondson Park, NSW 2174
- Â 46 Wall Park Ave, Seven Hills, NSW, 2147
- Â 53, Hampstead Rd, Homebush West, NSW 2140
- Â 34 East St, Five Dock, 2046
- Call Us at
- Â (02) 9920 4006
- Â info_at_RChomeopathy.com.au
- Â ramya_at_RChomeopathy.com.au
- Â rchomeopathy_at_gmail.com
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- Skype RChomeopathy