Title: Gujranwala kanal Housing Scheme - Rightdeed.com
1Right Deed
- Pakistan Largest Property Portal
2Canal View Housing, Gujranwala
- Location
- Utilities
- Plot details
- Prices
- Canal view housing sits right next to Wapda Town
and also surrounded by a number of housing
projects. Citi Housing Scheme and Palm City
Gujranwala are one of them.
- The project is equipped with fully striking
features to facilitate its investors including
all the necessary needs like electricity with a
complete backup plan, water, gas, a grand
community mosque, wide carpeted roads, and a
strong sewerage network. An easily accessible
road network is almost complete. These features
with excellent locality make it more attractive
to invest in this project.
5Plot Details
- Different size of cutting is offered as 5-marla,
10-marla, 15-marla, 1-kanal, and also 2-kanal
residential plots to investors. The project plan
of the society is divided into total four blocks.
In the vicinity of the residential compound, all
the residential demands are well equipped.
The currently standing prices of the scheme are
as follows
Plot Size Prices in PKR
5 Marla 4,000,0004,500,000
10 Marla 6,000,0006,500,000
15 Marla 7,000,0009,000,000
1 Kanal 8,000,00012,000,000
2 Kanal 15,000,00025,000,000
- The market rank of 5-Marla and 10-Marla plots are
high because the plot of these sizes is easily
affordable and ready for possession. Due to
these reasons, people are keen to buy the land
there because they know this is the best time to
invest and construct the houses, real estate
market is low and price values are also low farer
now but will definitely boost up after the
development. A number of houses constructed and
are in construction also.
7Why should you choose this?
- As already stated, the plot prices of the
development are quite affordable, it is a great
option for mid-term or long-term investors to put
their money in and also worthy if you are
considering to settle there. The location is
surrounded by all the volume development of the
state and easily accessible. It is also equipped
with nearby commercial markets where you can
easily find to meet your immediate need. - Five Marla and ten Marla plots are the most
alluring, but you have to find these plots
because these are still on market, whereas five
Marla plots are more attractive in this respect.
8Contact Us
- 191 Street 11, Sector Y DHA Phase 3, Lahore,
Punjab, Pakistan - (042) 35742252
- support_at_rightdeed.com