Title: Pediatric Assessment And Treatment Education Module
1Pediatric Assessment And Treatment Education
2EZ Compliance Now provides Training Modules For
Pediatric Assessment and Pain Management in the
Surgical Settings.
3Many OR staff do not feel comfortable caring for
pediatric patients. This module will help them
to obtain a foundational knowledge regarding
caring for pediatrics patients in the surgical
4PRODUCT INFOThis product is a .SCORM zip file.
Upon receipt of payment your organization will
recevie the branded module/zip file via email or
dropbox. Simply upload the module into the
organizations LMS and assign to learners.RETURN
REFUND POLICYSatisfaction is guaranteed.
Please let us know if you are not satisfied and
we will make it right. SHIPPING INFO Upon
receipt of payment all modules/zip files will be
sent via email or dropbox to the organization.
5To know more, email us at support_at_ezcomplianceno
w.com or visit https//www.ezcompliancenow.com/
6Thank You