Title: AC 554 Unit 3 Homework Assignment NEW
1Kalpan University AC 554 Unit 3
Homework Assignment NEW Check this A tutorial
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gn m ent-new For more classes visit
http//www.assignmentcloud.com. Exercise 4. If
you were responsible for disaster recovery, how
would you respond to each of the following
independent situations? Exercise 1. Identify at
least three databases used within your company or
school. For these databases, learn the type of
data stored within these databases and the data's
sensitivity levels. Then evaluate the
authentication methods used to protect this data.
What are the strengths of these methods? Are
there any weaknesses? Exercise 2. For the
weaknesses identified in Exercise 1, devise
schemes to mitigate the risk(s). If you don't
identify any weaknesses,
2are there any ways you can improve on the
authentication schemes?