Title: ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
1ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
2ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 1 iLab Part 1 Introduction to
Memory Map For more classes visit www.snaptutori
al.com Laboratory Title Introduction to Memory
Map Submittal DateClick here to enter a date.
3ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 1 iLab Part 2 Introduction to
Assembly and Machine Language For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Laboratory Number 1
(Part 2) Laboratory Title Introduction to
Assembly and Machine Language Submittal
DateClick here to enter a date.
4ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 2 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. Write a simple
program in which the value, 55, is added three
time 2. Which of the following instructions is
(are) illegal? I. LDAA 500 II. LDAA 50 III.
LDAA 255
5ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 2 iLab Introduction to CodeWarrior
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Obj
ectives To Install CodeWarrior Explore the
CodeWarrior IDE and the operations
6ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 3 iLab Introduction to Loops and
Subroutines in Assembly For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Objectives To
become familiar with conditional branch
instructions Understanding how to write loops
7ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 4 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. Write a program
to get eight-bit data from PORTA and send it to
PORTB and PORTC. Make sure to define each port as
input or output 2. Write a program to toggle all
bits of PORTA continuously by sending 55 and AA
to it 3. Write a program to toggle PB3, PB7, and
PB5 continuously without disturbing the rest of
the bits. Assume that there is a delay procedure
that you
8ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 4 iLab Introduction to Tower
Module For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.c
om Objectives 1.To set up the Tower
System 2.Become familiar with programming and
using the Tower Module 3. Become familiar with
I/O port programming Results
9ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 5 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. Show the value
of the register and the carry after the execution
of the ASLA instruction Given the original
content of Register A and carry flag 0
1 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 C
10ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 5 iLab Data Manipulation in
Assembly Language For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Objectives Given an
arithmetic equation or data conversion, develop
an assembly-language algorithm to implement the
correct sequence of operations. Learn how to
design assembly-language programs that require
decision logic in order to accomplish their tasks.
11ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 6 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. Write a program
to continuously read the DIP switches connected
to PORTA and send it to PORTB. 2. Assume that
eight DIP switches are connected to PORTB and
eight LEDs are connected to PORTC. Assume that
the switch values are normally high. Turn all of
the LEDs on and wait in a loop until one of the
switches becomes zero. At that time, send 0x55 to
12ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 6 iLab Embedded C Programming Part
I For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Objectives To learn how to write a C program
using CodeWarrior IDE To learn how to program I/O
instructions in C language
13ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 7 Homework For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. Is it possible to
interface an IC with a different technology such
as TTL to HCS12 ports? What are the conditions in
terms of electrical parameters that need to be
satisfied for this purpose? 2. Given an LED with
a forward drop of 1.5V and an operating current
of 10 mA, design the interface to the HCS12
showing your calculations 3. Bit 4 of Port B is
connected to a switch that normally outputs a
zero. Monitor this switch to detect a change from
zero to one. Immediately when it
14ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ECET 330 Week 7 iLab Embedded C Programming Part
II For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Objectives To become familiar with enabling
internal pull-up resistors and reading an input
port To learn how to wait for a pushbutton
press To learn how to organize a C program to
read data from input ports, process the data, and
display the result on a simple output device
15ECET 330 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com