Title: ABS 200 Week 5 DQ 1 Self-Efficacy NEW
1ASH ABS 200 Week 5 DQ 1 Self-Efficacy NEW
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ABS 200 Week 5 DQ 1 Self-Efficacy
NEW Self-Efficacy. Read the Self-Efficacy and
Work-Related Performance (Judge, et al, 2007)
and Self-eEfficacy (Bandura, 1997) articles,
view The happy secret to better work video, and
review any relevant Instructor Guidance prior to
completing this discussion. Include the following
in your post
2 Think about someone you know and with whose
job and work you are familiar (please do not
share the persons real name). Identify the job
and describe the duties this individual performs.
Provide enough information so your professor can
understand what is done in this role. Examine
the role of self-efficacy in relation to this
person and his/her position. Specifically,
explore the role of self-efficacy in the
individuals motivation and workplace behavior.
Identify some of the current trends that are
effective in developing greater self-efficacy.
Discuss what can be done to increase this
persons self-efficacy