Title: Ready to Eat Pizza
1Let's Ready to Eat Pizza
2Lets Intimate With Me
Meet jim, The Pizza Guy! As I mention in the
intro video, I was deprived of pizza until I was
14 years old, but not really deprived as pizza
was quite new back then. Anyway, although it
didnt look the best, so it wasnt love at first
SIGHT, it was love at first BITE! It was at a
pizza parlor which had just started up some
months ago by an Italian and without a doubt, one
of my top 10 pizzas as anyone who lived in the
area back then could attest to as being their
favorite pizza! I rank my first parlor as a 9! My
cousin ordered a 9 cheese and sausage which
today one doesnt have to specify the cheese as
they all have a cheese base so we just say
3Just Check Our Delicious Pizzas with Mouth
Watering Clicks
4Lets Check Some More Pics
5(No Transcript)
6Home Pizza parlor Jim Neldert http//homepizzaparl
or.com/ State Wisconsin Country United State of
America jim_at_homepizzaparlor.com 715-281-5370