Title: ENGL 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
1ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
2ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 1 Annotated Bibliography For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Annotated
Bibliography. An annotated bibliography begins
the preliminary research process. The document
will serve as an ongoing list of sources that
will support your Final Research Paper. Each of
the sources should be cited in APA formatand
should include a two-paragraph summary, or
annotation, of the resource contents and how you
intend to use the information within your paper.
Be sure to utilize the information from
3ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 1 DQ 1 What is an Argument For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com What Is
an Argument?. After reading the Classic and
Rogerian Arguments material, define the term
argument in your own words and describe your own
style of argument. Then, compare and contrast
your style with at least one additional
argumentative strategy and/or rhetorical ploy.
Refer to this weeks readings and materials to
inform your assertions. Will your current style
of argument be effective in an academic setting?
Which strategy would be most effective and
relevant for this class?
4ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 1 DQ 2 Argument and Thesis Statement
Workshop For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Argument and Thesis Statement
Workshop.Select one of the thirty approved
writing prompts for your Final Research Paper
from the Research Paper Guidelines document,
available in your online course. Your persuasive
argument will be presented through a well-written
thesis statement. Consider your chosen writing
prompt, the available research, and the
definition of argument as you prepare a working
thesis statement. Also, reflect on the thesis
statement and topic sentences presented in the
Who Stole the American D
5ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 1 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Week One Quiz.
Complete the 20-question quiz by Monday, Day 7.
You may attempt the quiz up to three times.
Quizzes will not be cleared or reset after the
third attempt. The quiz will assess your
knowledge ofthesis statements, topic sentences,
library research, and other topics covered in
this weeks required readings.
6ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 2 DQ 1 Forms of Argument For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Forms of
Argument. After reviewing theClassic and
Rogerian Argumentsdocument, available in your
online course,discuss how to place your tentative
essay into either Aristotles classical form
ofargument or the Rogerian argument style. Your
initial post must justify the placement of your
material and describe the materials intended
effect on the audience.
7ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 2 DQ 2 Paraphrasing and Quoting
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Par
aphrasing and Quoting. Create a topic sentence
and a body paragraph that will support your
thesis statement. Your paragraph must include
paraphrased information and a direct quote. Each
of these elements must be incorporated into your
paragraph with proper APA in-text citations. In
addition, create an APA-formatted reference list
for the sources noted in the body of your
paragraph. At
8ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 2 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Week Two Quiz.
Complete the 20-question quiz by Monday, Day 7.
You may attempt the quiz up to three times.
Quizzes will not be cleared or reset after the
third attempt. The quiz will assess your
knowledge ofclassic and Rogerian arguments, bias
versus position, online research, and other
topics covered in this weeks required readings.
9ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 3 DQ 1 Toulmin Analysis of an Essay
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Tou
lmin Analysis of an Essay. After reviewing the
Toulmin Analysis document (found in the online
classroom), closely read the Sample Persuasive
Paper in the Ashford Writing Center and submit a
Toulmin analysis of the paper. Your initial post
should make specific references to the sample
persuasive paper and break down the argument by
distinct segments described in the Toulmin
Analysis document (claim, evidence, warrant etc)
10ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 3 DQ 2 Writing Your Conclusion For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Writing
Your Conclusion. Create a conclusion that
summarizes your thesis statement, your main
point, and reiterates the position of your paper.
Your conclusion must consist of a closing
argument, a paper summary, and a rephrased thesis
statement. In addition, note any questions you
may have regarding your thesis statement, topic
sentences, or conclusion so your classmates can
assist you. Share your conclusion paragraph and
questions by posting them to the discussion forum
by Day 3.
11ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 3 Quiz For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Week Three Quiz.
Complete the 25-question quiz by Monday, Day 7.
You may attempt the quiz up to three times.
Quizzes will not be cleared or reset after the
third attempt. The quiz will assess your
knowledge of the Ashford Writing Center, Toulmin
analysis, APA citation/style,grammar, avoiding
fallacies in argument, and other topics covered
in this weeks required readings.
12ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 4 DQ 2 Reviewing Your Draft For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Reviewin
g Your Draft. Conduct and post a full review of
your own rough draft by Day 3. You are required
to review the draft for citation errors and
potential plagiarism (please utilize Turnitin or
other originality software to assist you) as well
as logical fallacies. Please also post any
questions you may have regarding your thesis
statement, topic sentences, or conclusion so your
classmates can assist you.
13ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com
ENG 122 Week 5 DQ 1 Revisiting Argument For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Revisiti
ng Argument. Create a new definition for the term
argument. How has your understanding and creation
of argument evolved throughout the course?
Reference your past definition of this term
(posted in Week One) and cite specific instances
from the textbook, course materials, or class
discussions that aided in this evolution of your
14ENG 122 Technology levels--snaptutorial.com