Title: What are the Challenges of Preschool in Mandeville La
1What are the Challenges of Preschool in
Mandeville La
Preschool education cannot be trivialized in the
lives of children and its importance is shown in
the childs ability to put pieces together to fit
into a complex arrangement. Raising children at
this time is a bit difficult and it has lots of
challenges to both the parent and the teachers.
2Receptiveness of the mind
The mind of children at this time is receptive to
many things. They want to learn about everything
that comes their way, asking questions with utter
vehemence and looking forward to getting good
answers that will satisfy their curiosity. At
this stage, the drive to know is at its peak and
learning is rapid and catalytic. At this stage,
care must be taken to consider what enters the
mind of the kids because of their extreme
receptiveness to issues. Careful consideration
must be given to the nature of preschool
education ones ward attend and the guiding
ethics and ideologies by which they operate. Some
children from their childhood age have learnt
violence which they carry on till they become
adults, hence, affecting their future.
3Family issues
Children that were raised under parents with
differing opinions on issues might be challenged
in their Preschools in Mandeville LA years. There
is a cumulative influence disagreement between
parents do have on their children and this start
from the preschool age. Children are mindful of
everything around them and they observe such
happenings between the parents which influences
them right from the childhood stage.
4Lack of competent teachers and ineffective
This stage of life is vital as described above
and optimum attention must be paid on Preschools
in Mandeville LA. At this stage, it is important
to have competent teachers that will attend to
the overall needs of the children. Handling of
young children must be done with passion and
diligence which some people might not be able to
bring to the fore when it concerns preschool
5Contact Us
Primary Colors Learning Center
Business Address 330 Lakeview Court, Covington,
LA 70433
Phone 985-674-0086