Title: Health, Safety and Environment | Sigma HSE
1Health, Safety and Environment
- Frequently Asked Questions from our Dust
Explosion Seminars
2What is the significance of MIE (with inductance)
and MIE (without inductance). Which one of them
is lower?
- MIE (without inductance) simulates a purely
capacitive electrostatic discharge such as from
isolated conductors in an industrial situation.
MIE (with inductance) simulates longer duration
discharges as the introduction of the inductor
into the circuit, delays the spark discharge to
earth, hence this corresponds to MECHANICAL SPARK
SENSITIVITY. - As the spark duration is shorter for pure
static electric discharges so the probability of
ignition is less than for the MIE (with
inductance) and therefore, in many cases the MIE
(with inductance) produces a lower value of MIE.
A review of your facility will determine whether
electrostatic spark discharges or mechanical
sparks need to be assessed and the corresponding
MIE test performed.
3How do you establish the maximum allowable
temperature for equipment using powder properties?
- The maximum surface temperature of enclosure for
equipment located in hazardous zones is based on
Minimum Ignition Temperature (MIT of a dust
cloud) and Layer Ignition Temperature (LIT of
powder layer). After establishing these values,
then the lowest value of the two is selected to
give the maximum surface temperature after
applying a factor of safety as follows - For MIT data, Max. Allowable Surface Temperature
2/3 (MIT) - For LIT data, Max. Allowable Surface Temperature
LIT 75o - Methods of protection along with Ingress
Protection are equally important along with the
maximum allowable temperature of equipment.
4What is the significance of particle size for
dust explosions. What is the smallest particle
size where a dust explosion could not occur?
- As the particle size distribution decreases so
the explosion properties of the powder changes,
sometimes dramatically. Explosion severity will
increase, for example aluminium with a particle
size of 150µm will have a Pmax of 8 barg and a
Kst value of 150 bar.m.s-1 whereas at lt 10µm the
Pmax rises to 17 barg and the Kst to gt 650
bar.m.s-1. The same applies to explosion
sensitivity where the material becomes more
sensitive to ignition especially with MIE. Using
the same example of aluminium then the MIE value
drops from 100 mJ to lt10 mJ as particle size
distribution decreases. Usually it is accepted
that when the particle size distribution is gt
500µm then ignition of a dust cloud cannot occur.
However, even where a powder has a large particle
size distribution, attrition can occur which can
result in fines being present. Due to their
nature these fines will remain in suspension in
air for a considerable period of time and should
be taken into consideration when performing a
risk assessment.
5What is the difference between St1, 2, 3 and St0
H, 1H, 2H?
- Explosion severity is quantified in terms of the
Maximum Explosion Pressure and the Max. Rate of
Pressure Rise (which in-turn relates to the Kst
using Cubic Law, i.e. (dP/dt)max V1/3 Dust
Constant or Kst). As can be seen Kst is a
measurement that is used as it is a constant and
does not change with vessel volume. The St Class
is based on Kst value, i.e. St 1 (Kstlt200
bar.m.s-1), St 2 (200bar.m.s-1 lt Kstlt 300
bar.m.s-1) and St 3 (Kst gt 300 bar.m.s-1). The
complete explosion severity test is normally
carried out in a 20 Litre Sphere, although the
1m3 vessel can also be used. - Sometimes, for screening purposes (St 0H, 1H, 2H
determination), you can use the Modified Hartmann
tube apparatus (1.2 L), which can indicate
Explosibility and dust explosion class. The MIE
tube is fitted with a hinged lid and a constant
arc ignition source. When an ignition occurs, the
lid opens to various angles depending upon the
severity of the explosion. Therefore, the results
are not accurate but do provide an indication of
explosion violence. - St 0H No explosion St 0
- St 1H indicates an explosion which indicates a
St 1 powder. - St 2H indicates an explosion which indicates a
St 2 powder. - Note there is no ST 3 indication and design of
Explosion Protection Measures cannot be defined
based on Modified Hartmann tube apparatus
results. This can only be achieved with full 20L
Sphere testing.
6What explosion protection measures should be
selected, such as Explosion Pressure Relief
Venting, Explosion Suppression and Explosion
- All Explosion Protection Measures serve the same
purpose and can be used depending on feasibility
with the process. Explosion Venting is the most
common example that is being used in industry.
The important aspect is that all three measures
must be designed using Explosion Severity data of
the material being handled. Another important
aspect is that explosion isolation needs to be
provided along with explosion protection measures
to prevent explosion propagation to unprotected
systems. Also, it is necessary to assess the
specific requirements for any operation.
Explosion venting needs to be designed and
installed correctly and it may not be suitable
for materials of a toxic nature, explosion
suppression is expensive to install and maintain
but can be used in places where venting is not an
option. Explosion containment needs to be
maintained over the longevity of the process and
maintenance engineers must understand the
complexities of the system. As stated
previously, all three methods of protection will
require explosion severity data (20 litre sphere)
to ensure safe design.
7Address Unit 2, Moorside Point, Moorside
Road, Winchester, Hants. SO23 7RXTelephoneTel
44 (0)1962 840570Emailinfo_at_sigma-hse.com
- United Kingdom
- Sigma-HSE (UK) Ltd