Title: Drone Roof Inspections
1Drone Roof Inspections
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3Rooftops are a critical part of building
infrastructure and must be monitored carefully.
Automatically collect high resolution roof
imagery and generate comprehensive roof reports
3x faster than traditional methods.
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6UAVs provide a flexible solution for high level
aerial surveys and inspections. We can give
you the ability to view footage in real time and
steer the camera to points of interest.
Alternatively we can work in partnership with
your nominated surveyor. Images can be supplied
in jpeg or RAW formats, allowing faults or areas
of concern to be more easily highlighted.
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10Traditional inspection techniques such as
scaffolding, ladders and cherry-pickers
inevitably involve people working at height,
which always comes with risk and take time.
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13Our newly-added Photomap function helps us
efficiently create aerial photograph-based maps.
After we complete an aerial photography mission
in the desired area and import the photos into GS
Pro, the software will automatically create a
composite photo of the area that we can adjust as
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16For more update , visit us