Title: Hydrocodone Acetaminophen 325
1Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 325 mg
3604 V (Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 325 mg / 5
Pill engrave 3604 V has been distinguished as
hydrocodone. hydrocodone is fabricated by
Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc.. and has a place
with the medication order.
2Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 325 mg
This pill with engrave 3604 V is
White Capsule-shape / Oval and has been
recognized as Acetaminophen and hydrocodone
bitartrate 325 mg/5 mg. It is provided by
Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc..
3Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 325 mg
4Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 325 mg
Acetaminophen/hydrocodone is utilized as a part
of the treatment of back agony torment
rheumatoid joint inflammation hack and has a
place with the medication class opiate pain
relieving blends. Hazard cant be precluded amid
pregnancy. Acetaminophen/hydrocodone 325 mg/5 mg
is delegated a Schedule 2 controlled substance
under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA).
5Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 325 mg
6Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone 325 mg
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