Title: Distance Education PGD in Global Financial Market
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DistanceLearning.edu.in is a portal focused on
distance learning courses where you can see a lot
of courses starting from Certificate level to
Masters offered by top universities in India and
3PGD in Global Financial Market
A rigorous one-year (2 semesters) program
offering comprehensive study of a wide range of
theoretical concepts and functional areas in
Global Financial Markets. The program has been
designed and developed in collaboration with BSE
Institute Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of
BSE Ltd., which is one of the leading stock
exchanges in Asia. The program provides training
in key principles, policies, systems, frameworks,
and applications needed to develop skills,
improve competency, and build expertise in the
subject. The course offers international exposure
under its optional International Immersion
- Industry-focused program designed and developed
in collaboration with BSE Institute Limited - Curriculum is up-to-date, industry-vetted, and
job-specific - Study the program and also acquire professional
qualification from Amity University - OptionalInternational Immersion program exposes
learners to international financial markets and
stock exchanges
- Students can opt for various career options after
completing this programme like - Corporate Finance.
- Commercial Banking.
- Investment Banking.
- Hedge Funds.
- Private Equity, VC.
- Financial Planning.
- Insurance.
- Semester 1
- Project and Synopsis
- Mutual Funds Asset Management
- Management Functions Behaviour
- Capital Markets
- Equity Derivatives
- Semester 2
- Forex Markets Currency Derivatives
- Project and Synopsis
- Treasury Risk Management
- Merger Acquisitions
For Admissions/Students queries Send an email
at info_at_distancelearning.edu.in Or You could
call us at Mobile 91 9958934646 Whatsapp 91
8010230510 Website https//www.distancelearning.e