Title: Hire & Rentals - SA Sweepers & Scrubbers Pty Ltd
1Hire Rentals - SA Sweepers Scrubbers Pty Ltd
2If you need something cleaned or maintained but
dont want to urchase a sweeper or
scrubber, Sweepers and Scrubbers Warehouse Direct
have a number of solutions.
3Long Term Cleaning Machine Hire Ride on
Sweepers, Ride on Scrubbers, Pedestrian/ Walk
behind Sweepers, Pedestrian/ Walk behind
Scrubbers, Ride on Burnishers, Steam Cleaning
Machines. Use our cost calculator.
4Short Term/ Emergency Cleaning Machine
Hire Ride on Sweepers, Ride on Scrubbers,
Pedestrian/ Walk behind Sweepers, Pedestrian/
Walk behind Scrubbers. Use our cost calculator.
5Contract Power Sweeping Power Sweeping
Equipment complete with highly experienced
operator. Contract Power Scrubbing Power
Scrubbing Equipment complete with highly
experienced operator.
6Contract Power Cleaning, Power Washing Power
washing Equipment complete with experienced
operator. Contract Graffiti Removal Graffiti
removal Equipment complete with experienced
7Contact us Visit Our Website-
http//sasas.com.au/ Mobile
no- 0433703134 Address- 97 Welland
Avenue, Welland, SA, Australia - 5007