Title: Frank Beltrame’s Timeless Pieces of Italian Stiletto Switchblades
1Frank Beltrames Timeless Pieces of Italian
Stiletto Switchblades
2About Us
At MySwitchblade.com we carry a wide variety of
switchblades from many places around the globe
including The U.S, Russia, Czechoslovakia, along
with Asian Imports. We also offer custom high-end
knife art switchblades from makers like Reese
Weiland, Jeff Harkins, Bill Saindon, Paul (Burn)
Panak and many more. Apart from imports and
custom build switchblades, if you are looking for
something more, please ask us and we may have
them in stock for you.
3Image Gallery
Italian Bayonet Leverlock Switchblade
Frank Beltrame 9" Ebonywood Dagger Switchblade
The stiletto switchblades USA are available in a
variety of styles and materials for the
discerning collector and knife enthusiast. These
knives incorporate a long, slender blade tapering
to a needle-like point, together with a
slim-profile handle and vestigial cross-guard.
4Now have a look at this timeless piece of Frank
Frank Beltrames Abalone Bayonet is the most
ideal possession for every switchblade collector.
The knife makes an incredible centerpiece and
collectible knife. Anyone familiar with Abalone
knows the depth of the knife is amazing and has
an amazing variation of color. This model
features Abalone handle both at the front and
At MySwitchblade.com we carry more than just
Italian stiletto switchblades. We carry the
high-end knife from makers such as Anthony
Marfione, Bill Saindon, Reese Weiland, and many
more. For Italian stiletto and lever lock
switchblades, we carry multiple blade styles like
flat grind, kriss, bayonet, and dagger just to
name a few. All the knives listed in our Italian
categories are truly authentic Italian
switchblades, straight out of Maniago, Italy.
6Contact us
Levittown, NY, 11756, USA myblade_at_optonline.net