Title: seo
SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is
a process designed to optimize a website for
search engine
Client requirement
Website analysis
SEO process
Link building
Keyword search
Content writing
Website optimization
SEO submission
2Type of SEO
- White Hat SEO
- Black Hat SEO
- White Hat SEO
- Black Hat SEO
It refers to the SEO technique which are ,in
accordance with SEO guidlines set by the search
engine. It means it uses approved search engine
optimization techniques to improve the ranking of
a site on search engine result pages(SERP).
It refers to the SEO techniques which are not, in
accordance with the SEO guidelines set, by the
search engine. These techniques exploit the
weakness in search engine to get higher ranking
for website on the search engine result page
3- White hat SEO techniques
- Good content
- Proper use of tittle, keyword and metatags
- Ease of navigation
- Site of performance
- Quality inbound links
OFF Page optimization refers to all the measures
that can be taken outside the website to improve
its ranking on search engine result page
4Link popularity
Directory submission
Page rank
Blog submission
Competitor link analysis
Social book marketing
OFF Page Optimization
RSS feed submission
Arcticle submission
Posting to forums
Press realeas
Forum link building
Link exchange