Title: Zahra Moridzadeh - Provides Psychotherapy Services
1Zahra Armaghan
Social Worker Bachelor of Social Work (BSW),
the University of St. Francis
2(No Transcript)
3Zahra Armaghan is a dedicated social worker and
aims to spread prosperity around the world.
According to her helping people through monetary
means in their hour of need is not all for the
social worker but showing kindness is the best
form of humanity. Her deep-rooted passion to
serve humanity is the sole reason she earned a
degree in Social Work from the University of St.
4Today she outshines with 15 years of experience
in this field, having worked in various countries
as well. Zahra Armaghan is a keen social worker
with the ultimate aim to bring economic
solutions, addresses to climate change and deals
with health care and psychological factors in a
5Sara Armaghan has also worked with multiple
groups and community organizations to create new
welfare programs to help people in need of
assistance. Lately, she has been providing
services to many patients with mental health
6Zahra Moridzadeh has visited different countries
and has done a lot of charity work for African
countries. She is always ready to provide
consultation in social work, child and family
support, unemployment and health care.
7According to her substance abuse is a serious
threat to the young generation. In this regard,
she conducted seminars and social campaigns.
Find out more about her at her official site