women business grants - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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women business grants


women business grants proposal is an intensive procedure. You will need to gather a wealth of information and compile it into several sections containing – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Tanyasharma
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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: women business grants

Understanding grants
  • First, you have to research and find a grant for
    which you're eligible.
  • Then, you have to understand the strict
    application and compliance guidelines you must
    meet, to be eligible.
  • Third, you have to compete with other businesses
    for the same pool of money.
  • Fourth, you're awarded a women business grants,
    you must report on how you used it.
  • Finally, you must devote time and energy to the
    lengthy application process, then wait for
    approval. In a nutshell, you need to have all of
    your ducks in a row, up-front and afterward.

Finding federal and state grants
  • Many business owners think that federal grants
    are just a click away. We have all seen the ads
    promoting free federal money to start businesses.
  • But this is a huge misconception.
  • While there are federal grants available in the
    areas of medical research, science, education and
    technology development, no such grants exist
    specifically for women-owned businesses.
  • You may find grants that fund projects
    that empower women, but such funding is often set
    aside for nonprofit corporations, not for-profit

Understand the Process
  • The process of applying for a small business
    grant is lengthy and much more involved than
    simply filling out a few forms.
  • In fact, before you can apply for a federal
    grant, you need to determine if you are eligible,
    and you may need to research other funding
  • Be sure you understand what funders are looking
    for from you and have a firm handle on what your
    business can offer others.
  • Also understand that once you receive funds, you
    will be responsible for recording outcomes and
    making detailed reports on how the money was

Determine Your Eligibility
  • Before you dive into putting together an
    application for a grant, it is a good idea to
    make sure you are even eligible to receive one.
  • As a small business applying for a federal grant,
    you must meet specific qualifications in order to
  • In general, federal funds are only given to
    startups if your business will be serving the
    greater good in society.
  • In other words, organizations that are
    nonprofits, educational institutions or engaging
    in activities such as scientific research or
    developing cutting-edge technologies will be able
    to apply.
  • Once your small business is established and
    operating with a positive outcome, some federal
    programs may be available to you.
  • However, this will most likely be in the form of
    a lower-interest loan or contracting
    opportunities, rather than a grant.
  • Additionally, your business must fall within
    specific size standards in order to qualify as a
    "small" business.
  • The Small Business Association (SBA) exists to
    help small businesses find funding to grow their
  • You can check the SBA website to determine if
    your business is eligible to apply based on your
    average number of employees or your average
    annual receipts.

Perform Thorough Research
  • Closely connected to eligibility is finding an
    appropriate source of grant funding for your
  • Again, nonprofits and companies that address
    big-picture concerns in society are the only ones
    likely to receive outright grants.
  • Companies that are pursuing green energy
    alternatives, actively integrating veterans into
    their workforce, developing businesses in rural
    areas or looking to expand global exporting are
    examples of those that may find success in
    obtaining the grants for small business startup
  • .
  • You'll want to pursue those funders whose
    interests align with your company's mission and
  • For-profit businesses will have better luck
    accessing grants on the state level and through
    private foundations.
  • In some instances, federal funds are provided to
    state or local areas to administer.
  • As an example, the state of Texas offers grant
    opportunities in the areas of production
    agriculture, health and nutrition, rural health
    and economic development within the state.

Compile Application Materials
  • Writing a women business grants proposal is an
    intensive procedure. You will need to gather a
    wealth of information and compile it into several
    sections containing
  • Information about your organization
  • An explanation of the need you seek to fulfill
  • Your solution for solving the problem
  • How you will track the impact your organization
    makes as a result of the funding
  • A detailed budget and how funds will be allocated
    within the project plan
  • Additional documentation requested by the funder
    such as tax details, certifications or personnel

Submit a Timely Proposal
  • When it comes time to submit your grant proposal
    be sure it is on time.
  • Follow all the submission guidelines including
    the requested formatting and length.
  • If you are including supporting materials,
    arrange them in an index at the end of the
    proposal for grants for small business startup.
  • Be sure to include signatures of owners or board
    members if requested.

Contact us
  • Metropolis Healthcare Ltd 250D Udyog Bhavan Worli
    Mumbai 400018.
  • 022 33102833
  • info_at_empoweress.in
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