Title: PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
1PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
2PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 1 Assignment 3 Independent and
Dependent Variables For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Addressed the
following Identified the independent and
dependent variables in this study. For the
independent variables, explained the possible
levels of the variables or the range of
values. Explained the relationship between the
sample and the population in the study.
3PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 2 Assignment 2 Statistical Analysis
Data Collection For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Performed the
following Collected the required data from a
variety of individuals. For each of the
variables, manually calculated the mean, the
median, the mode, the standard deviation, and the
4PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 3 Assignment 2 Z-Scores For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PSY2007 Week
3 Assignment 2 Z-Scores
5PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 4 Assignment 2 Z-Scores
Calculation For more classes visit www.snaptutor
ial.com Performed the following
calculations Determined what scores correspond
to the top and bottom 10 and 25 of the
data. Transformed the z-score formula for solving
for the individual score.
6PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 5 Assignment 2 Literature Review
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Sel
ected two empirical articles on a research topic
of interest. Provided a summary of both articles,
including the following Explained whether the
authors used a population or a sample. Explained
how this could have affected the results.
Analyzed and justified whether a sample was used
and whether it was representative of the entire
population. Described the hypotheses of the
studies. Stated the null and research hypotheses.
7PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 6 Assignment 2 T-test For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com PSY2007 Week
6 Assignment 2 T-test
8PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 7 Assignment 2 Application of
T-tests For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com Performed the following Part
I Determined whether an individual's political
affiliation affects his or her overall
satisfaction with the economy. Analyzed any
potential differences by conducting the
appropriate type of t-test.
9PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 8 Assignment 2 ANOVA With Post Hoc
Test For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com
Addressed the following Determined whether
an individual's satisfaction with the economy
differs across the various political
affiliations, using the levels of Republican,
Democrat, and others (e.g., Independents and
undeclared). Used the proper df and provided all
the steps of the calculations.
10PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com
PSY 2007 Week 9 Assignment 2 Statistical
Analysis For more classes visit www.snaptutorial
.com Determined whether the variable hours
worked per week by an individual is correlated to
the variable the individual's satisfaction with
his or her job. Used the proper df and provided
all the steps of the calculations. Included an
explanation of how the critical value was
determined. Interpreted the results in light of
the hypothesis that the variable number of hours
worked is related to the variable the
satisfaction one feels about his or her job.
11PSY 2007 Massive Success / snaptutorial.com