Title: Interior Design Factors - Avantika University
1Interior Design Factors
- Design College In India Avantika University
2External Factors That Affect Interior Design
- Interior Designing is concerned with enhancing
the interiors of a building. However, many
external factors affect the overall process. No
matter how many technologies are introduced in
the field of interior designing, none can control
the external factors. Interior Designing projects
have to face quite difficulties as they are
directly affected by the buildings geographical
position. Lets study different natural factors
which act a barrier in the completion of interior
designing projects -
3Land Structure and Topography
Land structure and topography are the most vital
factors affecting interior designing projects.
Different people prefer different and sometimes
challenging topography to construct their dream
home. It can be a hill slope, a rock structure or
even in water.
4- During these rare cases, interior designers have
to take exceptional precautions while getting the
house constructed. For example, if customers
desire to get their house constructed on a hill
slope, then the interior designer has to take
special care to ensure that the house should not
block the natural flow of rainwater, particularly
during the rainy season. Moreover, the
construction details also depend upon the quality
of the land where customers want to build their
5Humidity and Rainfall
Everyone yearns to build a villa or cottage at
exotic locations, especially near the seashore.
Near coastal areas, the weather conditions change
from time to time. In such places, the
environment is quite moist and the air is little
saline, which can affect the construction
materials. During such cases, special care should
be taken otherwise the budget of interior design
project may get affected.
6Amount of Sunlight
Places in extreme north or south fail to receive
direct sunlight which is indeed required at the
maximum level for perfect construction. To
overcome this factor, plane glasses are used in
buildings and at times, artificial lightning is
also used.
7Wind Direction
An under-construction house cannot bear harsh
winds. The construction technology can easily be
affected by the wind direction as the wind speed
exerts pressure on the wall, which takes no time
to affect its interior.
8Extreme Temperatures
Gulf countries are known to bear extreme climatic
conditions. In such places, interior designing
projects are expected to fail because extreme
climatic ups and downs directly affect internal
spaces. To protect a house or building from
extreme temperatures, external walls play a key
role. Thus, special care should be taken while
preparing the construction material of the wall.
9So, these are the interior design factors. An
interior designer must be aware of these
challenges and know how to overcome them. If you
aspire to become an interior designer, then you
should pursue interior design courses from the
best college. Avantika University offers courses
in interior design that trains the future
designer to exhibit impressive skills.
10The university is a part of MIT Pune and just
like its parent Group, the university is known
for its academic excellence. So, enroll for
B.Des. course in industrial design with space
design track from Avantika University.
- Avantika University is the MIT institute of
Design in Ujjain, MP. It follows a unique
learning approach where the students are
encouraged to think out of the box. Avantika
University is the part of reputed MIT Pune.