Title: Clover and Cobbler: Development
Footwear Manufacturing in the U.S
(Local service in Van Nuys, California)
3Meeting factory minimums is often the biggest
hurdle to navigating the sometimes-overwhelming
journey of a new designer. Knowing this, we are
committed to providing new and emerging designers
the opportunity to grow and succeed by requiring
low minimums on your production orders.
4This unconventional mentality fosters an
environment of growth and support from the inside
out and allows even the smallest voices the
opportunity to be heard in an industry vastly
dominated by big fashion powerhouses.
5Utilizing the latest machinery and technology in
our upscale manufacturing space, we offer
heightened production capabilities and a clean,
organized approach to footwear manufacturing.
6Our experienced team is communicative,
accessible, and dedicated to redefining the
perception of a long-standing industry. We
oversee the entire supply chain process and
ensure that quality standards are met and
exceeded while deadlines are followed closely.
Clover Cobbler 7765 Lemona Ave, Van Nuys, CA,
91405, USA Phone No (818) 767-2045 Email ID
hello_at_cloverandcobbler.com Website