Title: Show Off Your Smile With Confidence
1Cosmetic Dentistry
Show off your smile with confidence.
2DR. JARED SMITH specializes in providing a wide
range of cosmetic dentistry, whether you're
looking for a simple way to brighten your smile
or require a more complete restoration.
3Many of these services are quick, painless, and
quite affordable, and we can use them to treat
- Misaligned or misshapen teeth - Spaces been
teeth - Decayed, broken, cracked, or chipped
teeth - Missing teeth - Old, unsightly, metal
fillings and caps - Discolored teeth
4We make it easy to get the bright, beautiful
smile you've always wanted with state-of-the-art
cosmetic dentistry, and our services include
- Composite fillings - Procelain crowns -
Procelain fixed bridges - Procelain veneers -
Teeth whitening - Dental implants
5Come and see us as soon as possible to enhance
your smile, repair a range of cosmetic flaws or
dental damage. We'll work with you to cover a few
small imperfections or reinvigorate your entire
6618 Main St Canon City, CO 81212 (719) 275-0661
jmsdentist_at_gmail.com www.jaredsmithdmd.com