How Does Sex Affect Your Emotions? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How Does Sex Affect Your Emotions?


Sex can be the eventual expression of romantic love and intimacy or an emotional roller coaster or a stress reliever or it’s all about conception or it’s simply a good time. It can be all of these things and further. Sex means divergent things to divergent people. And whatever it means to you isn’t important constant, either. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: How Does Sex Affect Your Emotions?

True Medicine Online
How Does Sex Affect Your Emotions?
First things first Sex means different things to
divergent people
  • Sex can be the eventual expression of romantic
    love and intimacy or an emotional roller coaster
    or a stress reliever or its all about conception
    or its simply a good time. It can be all of
    these things and further. Sex means divergent
    things to divergent people. And whatever it means
    to you isnt important constant, either.
  • It can mean different things at different points
    in your existence or even from one day to the
    next and this is totally normal.

Despite the stereotypes, your gender has nothing
to do with your emotional response to sex
  • Women are at the grace of their roller-coaster
    emotions men are powerfully in the handle of the
    few emotions they have. At least thats what
    popular wisdom wouldve once had us believe.
  • These ideas have deep tuber, but humans are much
    more compound than that. There have been some
    studies trusted root to recommend that women are
    more expressive about their feelings, at least in
    the United States and some Western European
  • They also recommend men have the same or greater
    physiological reacts to emotional stressors.
    These days, people are less disposed to conform
    to simple gender categorizations. Whatever your
    gender and whether you openly convey it or not,
    your emotional reacts to sex is uniquely yours.

Some people require emotional attraction to
experience physical attraction
  • Do you need to feel some quantity of emotional
    attraction before any thought of sex invades your
    mind? If that sounds like you, youre surely not
    alone. Maybe you need to link on a spiritual
    level. Maybe its their mind or the truth that
    you share some basic philosophies of life.
    Possibly you felt that first twinge of excitement
    when they made you laugh til you cried.
  • Youre seeking closeness. Once your feelings are
    in the area and youve made an emotional bond,
    you may start to feel physical arousal. Outside
    of that area, youre just not into sex. Youre
    into making love.

Others find that acting on physical attraction
can lead to emotional attraction
  • Some people are physically worn together like
    magnets. Theres a chemical reaction, a hunger, a
    purely physical craving for getting physical with
    another human. Its desire. When the chemistry
    between people is just correct, getting fleshly
    can grow into so much more.
  • A 2012 retrospective review got two areas of the
    brain that track the progression from the sexual
    wish to love. One is inflexible. Its detected in
    the cerebral cortex.

  • This is another striatum. Its detected inside
    the forebrain. Interestingly, the striatum is
    also linked with drug addiction. Love and sexual
    wish activate different parts of the striatum.
    Sex and food are between the pleasurable things
    that activate the desired part. The process of
    the situation of reward and value activates the
    love part.
  • As feelings of desire start to turn into love,
    another area of the striatum takes over.

Others may find that emotional and physical
attraction work in two entirely different vacuums
  • People are complex creatures with many layers.
    For some of us, there is a clear dividing bar
    between emotional attraction and physical
    attraction. They dont need to come together.
  • You might be affectionate attracted to someone
    without having the slightest sexual desire. Or
    you have a mind-blowing physical allure for
    someone who doesnt really do it for you
  • Even in long-time relationships, people can
    alternate between making love and having sex or
    forgoing sexual activity solely and thats fine.

  • Regardless of your individual outlook, sex and
    emotion affect the same pathways in the brain
  • A 2018 study recommends an integral connection
    between sexual, emotional, and generative brain
    processes having to do with the endocrine system
    and, in particular, a hormone called kisspeptin.
  • As reported to a Tufts University neuroscience
    blog, sexual arousal doesnt occur in a vacuum,
    but in a context. It includes cognitive,
    physiological, and neurological processes, all of
    which involve and are clout by emotion.

Whats more, most people experience similar
emotions during sexual activity and release
  • The rush of hormones includes in sex means that
    hold feelings are fairly common during or
    immediately following sex. Nobody feels every
    emotion every time, of course.
  • Among the more positive ones are
  • Euphoria
  • Total release
  • Relaxation and calm
  • Satisfaction

  • Based on the circumstances, you might have some
    less than positive emotions, such as
  • Vulnerability
  • Embarrassment
  • Guilt
  • Feeling physically or emotionally overwhelmed
  • If you have postcoital dysphoria, you might even
    feel sad, anxious, or tearful just after sex.

Its also worth noting that sexual arousal can
turn off parts of the prefrontal cortex
  • We dont always accept it when its occurring to
    us, but its clear in hindsight. Its not the
    material of science fiction or fantasy. Its very
    actual. Sexual arousal can deactivate parts of
    the brain that help you think reproving and
    behave like a rational human being. Yes, you
    actually take leave of your feelings.
  • When you snap back to actuality, you might
    wonder, with a tint of regret or embarrassment,
    what you were sensible.

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