Title: Some Healthy Breakfast Ideas | FRU2go
1Healthy Breakfast
FRU2go is 100 pure fruit snack without any
preservatives, artificial flavours or colour.
Manufactured in our state of the art plant, the
product goes through very stringent quality
process before it is offered to you for
3Four Healthy Breakfast
Almonds and Dark Chocolate-Almonds are good for
the heart and Dark chocolate is rich in
- FRU2go- Rich in all the essential nutrients of
fruits, FRU2go is a 100 pure fruit snack, and
an ideal healthy breakfast option for
4Peanut Butter Apple Sandwich-Peanut butter is
a remarkable source of nutrition and an
incredibly tasty one at that! Combine it with
apple, and you really got some delicious stuff
going out there!
Cucumber Multi- grain Crackers with
Hummus-Cucumber slices and multi-grain
crackers, both dipped in hummus make a super
delicious snack and score high among
interesting healthy breakfast.
5Reach Us
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