Title: Level1 ys10
1 ir gt me voy
to go gt I go
2a la escuela
to school
3 I go to school.
4Me voy a la escuela.
I go to school.
5 cada
6Every morning I go to school.
7Cada mañana (todas las mañanas) me voy a la
Every morning I go to school.
8al trabajo
to work
9 Every morning I go to work.
10Cada mañana me voy al trabajo.
Every morning I go to work.
11 la oficina
the office
12a la oficina
to the office
13 I go to the office.
14Me voy a la oficina.
I go to the office.
15Every morning I go to the office.
16Cada mañana me voy a la oficina.
Every morning I go to the office.
17 irse a dormir
to go to sleep
18doce (12)
twelve (12)
1912 en punto
12 oclock
20a las 12 en punto
at 12 oclock
21 Every night I go to sleep at 12 oclock.
22Cada noche me voy a dormir a las 12 en punto.
Every night I go to sleep at 12 oclock.
23nos vamos
we go
24 a un restaurante
to a restaurant
25 Every week we go to a restaurant.
26 Cada semana nos vamos a un restaurante.
Every week we go to a restaurant.
27 casi
28 Almost every week we go to a restaurant.
29Casi cada semana nos vamos a un restaurante.
Almost every week we go to a restaurant.
30 Almost every morning I go to the office.
31 Casi todas las mañanas me voy a la oficina.
Almost every morning I go to the office.
32reunirse gt nos reunimos
to meet gt we meet
33para un café
for coffee
34 Almost every day we meet for coffee.
35Casi cada día nos reunimos para un café.
Almost every day we meet for coffee.
36me reuno
I meet
(with) you
38Me reuno contigo.
I meet you.
39 Almost every day I meet you for coffee.
40Casi cada día me reuno contigo para el café.
Almost every day I meet you for coffee.
41Almost every morning we meet at the office.
42 Casi cada mañana nos reunimos en la oficina.
Almost every morning we meet at the office.