Title: Level3 ys7
1beber / tomar
to drink
2por la noche
at night
3I drink coffee at night.
4Yo tomo café por la noche.
I drink coffee at night.
6You (polite) never drink coffee at night.
7Usted nunca toma café por la noche.
You (polite) never drink coffee at night.
9She always drinks coffee at night.
10Ella siempre toma café por la noche.
She always drinks coffee at night.
11zumo de naranja
orange juice
12por la mañana
in the morning
13I always drink orange juice in the morning.
14Siempre tomo zumo de naranja por la mañana.
I always drink orange juice in the morning.
15a veces
16You sometimes drink orange juice in the morning.
17Tú a veces tomas zumo de naranja por la mañana.
You sometimes drink orange juice in the morning.
18He sometimes drinks coffee at night.
19Él a veces toma café por la noche.
He sometimes drinks coffee at night.
20a menudo
21por la tarde
in the afternoon
22We often drink coffee in the afternoon.
23A menudo tomamos café por la tarde.
We often drink coffee in the afternoon.
24por la tarde
in the evening
25They often drink orange juice in the evening.
26A menudo toman zumo de naranja por la tarde.
They often drink orange juice in the evening.
28comer carne
to eat meat
29I never eat meat at night.
30Nunca como carne por la noche.
I never eat meat at night.
31She never eats meat in the morning.
32Ella nunca come carne por la mañana.
She never eats meat in the morning.
33We always eat meat in the evening.
34Siempre comemos carne por la tarde.
We always eat meat in the evening.
35They sometimes eat meat in the afternoon.
36A veces comen carne por la tarde.
They sometimes eat meat in the afternoon.
37We often eat meat in the evening.
38A menudo comemos carne por la tarde.
We often eat meat in the evening.
39rara vez
40We rarely drink coffee at night.
41Rara vez tomamos café por la noche.
We rarely drink coffee at night.
42You rarely drink orange juice in the morning.
43Tú rara vez tomas zumo de naranja por la mañana.
You rarely drink orange juice in the morning.
44She rarely drinks orange juice in the evening.
45Ella rara vez toma zumo de naranja por la tarde.
She rarely drinks orange juice in the evening.
46He rarely eats meat in the morning.
47Él rara vez come carne por la mañana.
He rarely eats meat in the morning.