Title: Level4 ys5
1Level 4
2Es importante.
It is important.
to speak
4It is important to speak English.
5Es importante hablar inglés.
It is important to speak English.
6para mi
for me
7It is important for me to speak English.
8Es importante para mí hablar inglés.
It is important for me to speak English.
to help
10la gente
11It is important to help people.
12Es importante ayudar a la gente.
It is important to help people.
13It is very important for me to help people.
14Es muy importante para mí ayudar a la gente.
It is very important for me to help people.
15No es fácil.
It is not easy.
16hacer deporte
to do sports
17It is not easy to do sports every day.
18No es fácil hacer deporte todos los días.
It is not easy to do sports every day.
to study
20en el extranjero
21It is not easy to study abroad.
22No es fácil estudiar en el extranjero.
It is not easy to study abroad.
to work
24It is not easy to work abroad.
25No es fácil trabajar en el extranjero.
It is not easy to work abroad.
26para ti
for you
27Is it important for you to study abroad?
28Es importante para tí estudiar en el extranjero?
Is it important for you to study abroad?
29Yes, it is very important for me to study abroad.
30Sí, es muy importante para mí estudiar en el
Yes, it is very important for me to study abroad.
31Is it important for you to work abroad?
32Es importante para tí trabajar en el extranjero?
Is it important for you to work abroad?
33No, it is not important for me to work abroad.
34No, no es importante para mí trabajar en el
No, it is not important for me to work abroad.