Title: Level5 wdys5
What Do
Level 5
What Do
2 avión
to landgtgtwill land
4The plane will land, more or less, in 35 minutes.
Take your time.
5El avión aterrizará, más o menos, en
treintaicinco minutos. Tómate tu tiempo.
The plane will land, more or less, in 35 minutes.
Take your time.
6 abrocharse
to fasten
7cinturón de seguridad
seat belt
8 protegerse
to protect youself
9Why dont you fasten your seat belt to protect
yourself while driving?
10Por qué no te abrochas tu cinturón de seguridad
para protegerte mientras conduces?
Why dont you fasten your seat belt to protect
yourself while driving?
11 ahora mismo
right now
12Unfortunately, I cant talk to you right now but
I will attend to you shortly.
13Desafortunadamente no puedo hablar contigo ahora
mismo, pero te atenderé en seguida.
Unfortunately, I cant talk to you right now but
I will attend to you shortly.
14 cuando utilices
when you use
15Be careful when you use that entrance of the
building as it is very narrow.
16Ten cuidado cuando utilices esa entrada del
edificio ya que es muy estrecha.
Be careful when you use that entrance of the
building as it is very narrow.
17As far as I know, this entrance of the building
is narrow but the entrance over there is wide.
18 Por lo que yo sé, esta entrada del edificio es
estrecha pero la entrada de allí es ancha.
As far as I know, this entrance of the building
is narrow but the entrance over there is wide.
19nos lo pasamos muy bien
we had a great time
20nos tomamos nuestras vacaciones de verano
we took our summer vacation
21We had a great time the last time we took our
summer vacation.
22Nos lo pasamos muy bien la última vez que nos
tomamos nuestras vacaciones de verano.
We had a great time the last time we took our
summer vacation.
23fuimos a buscar el libro
we hunted for the book
24 de tienda en tienda
from shop to shop
25 no pudimos
we couldnt
to find
27The last time we hunted for the book from shop to
shop, we couldnt find it anywhere in town.
28La última vez que fuimos a buscar el libro de
tienda en tienda, no pudimos encontrarlo en
ningún lugar de la ciudad.
The last time we hunted for the book from shop to
shop, we couldnt find it anywhere in town.