Title: Level6 ys11
1Level 6
2 dolor de cabeza
3I had a terrible headache an hour ago.
4Yo tenía un terrible dolor de cabeza hace una
I had a terrible headache an hour ago.
5Why did you have a terrible headache?
6Por qué tenías un terrible dolor de cabeza?
Why did you have a terrible headache?
7trabajar en el ordenador
to work on the computer
8 demasiado tiempo
too long
9I had a terrible headache because I had worked on
the computer too long.
10Yo tenía un terrible dolor de cabeza porque había
trabajado en el ordenador demasiado tiempo.
I had a terrible headache because I had worked on
the computer too long.
11 dejar gtgt dejó
to letgtgtlet
12partido de baloncesto
basketball game
13Did your mother let you go to the basketball game
14Tu madre te dejó ir al partido de baloncesto de
Did your mother let you go to the basketball game
15terminargtgt había terminado
finish ? had finished
16Yes, she let me go to the basketball game because
I had finished my homework.
17Sí, ella me dejó ir al partido de baloncesto,
porque había terminado mi tarea.
Yes, she let me go to the basketball game because
I had finished my homework.
18 divertido
19Was it a fun game?
20Fue un partido divertido?
Was it a fun game?
21 realmente no
not really
22 equipo
23 practicar
to practice
24 suficiente
25Not really. The team had not practiced enough.
26Realmente no. El equipo no había practicado lo
Not really. The team had not practiced enough.
27What did you do after the game?
28Qué hiciste después del partido?
What did you do after the game?
29 prometer
to promise
30 cafetería gtgtcafé
31I had promised to take my friend to a café after
the game.
32Había prometido llevar a mi amigo a un café
después del partido.
I had promised to take my friend to a café after
the game.
33Which café did you go to?
34A qué cafetería fuisteis?
Which café did you go to?
35 restaurante japonés
japanese restaurant
36We didnt go to a café. My friend had not eaten
anything, so we went to a Japanese restaurant.
37Nosotros no fuimos a un café. Mi amigo no había
comido nada, así que nos fuimos a un restaurante
We didnt go to a café. My friend had not eaten
anything, so we went to a Japanese restaurant.
38 disfrutar
to enjoy
39Did you enjoy the food?
40Disfrutaste la comida?
Did you enjoy the food?
41 ya
43 crudo
44Not really. I had already eaten so I wasnt
hungry. Besides, the food was raw. I think they
had not cooked the food well.
45Realmente no. Yo ya había comido, así que no
tenía hambre. Además, la comida estaba cruda.
Creo que no habían cocinado bien la comida.
Not really. I had already eaten so I wasnt
hungry. Besides, the food was raw. I think they
had not cooked the food well.