Title: Udyog aadhar registration certificate | Udyog aadhar update
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3Why Every Business Should Get Udyog Aadhar
registration certificate!
4What is a Udyog Aadhar?
- Udyog Aadhar is Aadhar for micro, small and
medium enterprises. Basically, it is a 12-digit
Unique Identification Number. The process to
avail Udyog aadhar registration certificate is
completely online and totally free of cost.
Furthermore, industries registered with Udyog
Aadhar receive the benefits of government schemes
such as subsidies, easy loan approvals, etc.
5Why was it introduced?Â
- To begin with, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
are vital for Indias growth. Not only is this
sector an employment generator, but it also bears
to industrialize major rural and backward areas.
6Main objectives of providing Udyog Aadhar
- In the first place, empowering the micro, small
and medium enterprises to compete with the
international competition - Promoting the growth of MSME on a large scale to
efficiently manage unemployment and poverty
- Providing the benefits of various government
scheme at one stop - Additionally, safeguarding small scale industries
from financial harassment by big industries.
7Benefits of Udyog Aadhar registration
- Excise exemption
- The exemption under the direct tax laws
- 50 reduction in fee for filing patents and
trademarks - Credit guarantee scheme
- Protection from delayed payments
- Loans without guarantee, low-interest rates on
loan - Financial support for participating in foreign
business exposure from the Government of India. - Subsidies provided to increase the companys
revenue - Concession in electricity bills
- The exemption provided when applying for
government tenders - Furthermore, you also get octroi privileges
8Process of Udyog Aadhar registration online
You need to fill a one-page form either online or
For online registration, you should visit the
official website.
If you wish to register for more than one
industry then opt for individual registration.
During this registration process, the individual
also needs to provide his self-certified
Generally, no registration fee is required.
After filling and submitting the details, the
registration number would be generated.
Consequently, this number will be mailed to the
registered email address and would contain unique
Udyog Aadhar Number.
9The steps involved in Udyog Aadhar update
- Firstly, visit the official website here.Â
- Then, enter your Udyog Aadhar Number.
- Enter the verification code and click on
submit. - Enter the OTP received on your registered
number. - Lastly, edit the details you want to change and
press submit.
10It is quite evident that there are numerous Udyog
Aadhaar registration benefits which can help your
business to grow. This blog can help you easily
register for a Udyog aadhar.
- Hope you liked it!
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