Title: Laser Duet
1Laser Duet
2Laser Hair Removal
Laser Fat Removal
Botox Treatment
Laser Duet specializes in Laser hair removal,
using state-of-the-art technology that gives you
PAIN FREE laser hair removal with rapid results.
Take advantage of Zerona laser fat removal, a
powerful way for quick painless fat removal
making it the holy grail of weight loss!
We support our Botox treatment with highly
experienced cosmetic specialists to ensure you
eliminate wrinkles and restore your youthful
3Cosmetic Dermal Fillers
PRP Cosmetics
PRP Cosmetics
Some people are born with a chin fullness
referred to as a double chin. Other have
acquired it through age or weight gain. Laser
Duet can treat unwanted extra fat under chin with
Enhance lips, restore volume, and rejuvenate your
look with advanced cosmetic fillers backed up by
our experienced doctors specialists.
PRP therapy has revolutionized the cosmetic
industry in countless ways.
4Teeth Whitening
Permanent Makeup
Smart Liposuction
Whiter teeth are the first step towards a great
new look and, with Laser Duet's powerful
in-office bleaching, instantly get sparkling
white teeth!
Smart Lipo uses laser making it the most advanced
version of lipo. It's quick painless, helping
you get the body you want!
Permanent Makeup enhances your features with
enough flexibility allowing creativity! Example
treatments include eyebrow tattoos.
5Laser Duet Dearborn, MI (313) 846-0002 https//la