Title: IT In House Training
1Information Technology Insourcing Projects
Information Technology In-house Training
2From the simplest to the most complicated
technology needs, Aurelius Corporate Solutions
has developed consultative insourcing solutions
which have been instrumental in solving
organizational, business and technology problems
of the industry at all levels. Having provided
such corporate training problem-solving learning
solutions in virtually all domains of the IT
industry listed below and more, Aurelius is a
storehouse of knowledge resources when it comes
to the IT industry. We believe in tangible
returns and all our services through the
insourcing solutions have provided immense Return
on Investment (ROI) and top-notch Internal Rates
of Returns (IRR) to our client organizations.
3Our records suggest that all our solutions have
been able to provide our client with an improved
ROI in the range of 30 to 45 percent, without
exceptions. They key factor in this is our
ability to empower the organizations own
workforce in growing their business and
improving upon it.The world class IT corporate
training provided by aurelius corporate solutions
are of a kind. Allofthese ITcorporatetraininghave
aninternational-standard curriculum and are
delivered in every time zone. These IT corporate
training can be provided via classroom training,
live instructor led, online training, in the for
of in house training or customized IT corporate
training Companies can choose which delivery
method they want for their IT corporate
training, whether it is IT online training, IT
classroom training, IT in house training, IT
instructor led training or customized IT
corporate training.