Title: OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
1OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
2OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
OPS 350 All Assignments For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com OPS 350 Week 1
Operation Management Today OPS 350 Week 2 Parts
Emporium Case Study
3OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
OPS 350 Week 1 Operation Management Today For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com OPS
350 Week 1 Operation Management Today Create at
least 10 PowerPoint slides with speaker notes in
which you will present operation managements
role in business today. Include the following
4OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
OPS 350 Week 2 Parts Emporium Case Study For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com OPS 350
Week 2 Parts Emporium Case Study Resource Operati
ons Management Processes and Supply Chains, Ch.
9 Read CASE Parts Emporium at the end of Ch. 9
(pp. 357).
5OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
OPS 350 Week 3 Learning Team Planning and
Controlling in the Manufacturing Sector For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com OPS 350
Week 3 Learning Team Planning and Controlling in
the Manufacturing Sector Choose a manufacturing
organization for this assignment with which your
Learning Team is familiar. Write a 1,050- to
1,400-word paper in which the team includes the
6OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
OPS 350 Week 4 Pert Mustang Case Study For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com OPS 350
Week 4 Pert Mustang Case Study Resource Operation
s Management Processes and Supply Chains, Ch.
7 Read Case The Pert Mustang at the end of Ch. 7
(pp. 273). Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in
which you address the following points Prepare
the report that Vicky Roberts requested, assuming
the project will
7OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
OPS 350 Week 5 Flowcharts for Processes For more
classes visit www.snaptutorial.com OPS 350
Week 5 Flowcharts for Processes Select a process
you perform daily, but would like to spend less
time doing, such as driving to work.
8OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com
OPS 350 Week 5 Social Networking Interview For
more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com OPS
350 Week 5 Social Networking Interview Resource I
nterview Guidelines Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word
interview. Identify whom you interviewed, their
title, and years of working experience in the
area of Operations Management.
9OPS 350 Education Specialist / snaptutorial.com