Title: Home Invasion Prevention Tips- Los Angeles - Citiguard
1Home Invasion Prevent ion Tips - Los A ngeles
www . mysec urity g uards .com
23 of burglars enterlhrough a first noor window
2/o of burglars enter anywhere on the second
-----. /
22 of burglars enter through the backdoor
_ 9'Yo of burglars enter through the garage
/ 81'Yo of resident ial 1ntrus1ons occur through
the firslnoor
12'Yo of burglars through an unlocked entrance
34 of burglars through the front door
2Burglary mea ns an i11ega I entry in the buiIding
w ith the intent to do the crime. This
blog contains tips on preventing home
burglaries and other property crimes by
controlling access, providing visibiIity
and maintaining yo ur property f
rom burglaries. There are many sec urity
agencies that provide trained and professiona l
sec urity guards in Los Angeles who can help
your home f rom preventing burglary or any kind
of crime.
3doors should be made
- solid metals so that burgla rs ca nnot break
- Use doub le cylinde r deadbolt loc k, these
- locks require keys f rom both the
sides a nd make sure cylinde r of lock
should beof steel gua rd. - A burgla r ca n easily remove the
- hinge pins a nd lif t the door out. So ma ke s
ure the door is c losed so that
the end of the pin w ill f it into the the w ill
opposite hole a nd pins a re removed
thus even if the door
rema in loc ked to the f rame.
4is as good as it is to a
the hasp so bolt hasps a nd make
onwhich sec urely
mount ed,
meta l plate
sure thebo lt is concea led padlock is c losed
w hen the
- Door should not be weak ma ke sure yo
urdoors are made of metal sheets. If yo ur
doors are w eak c ha nces a re
burglary ca nkick in and enter.
chains a nd
w ide-
- Insta ll door a nglek eyholes
- ground, so that
58 you ca n
inc hes
f rom the a look a nd
that w ho is outs ideyour door wh ether to open
a door or not.
5Tips f or Securing W indows
- Use anti-lift devices to prevent
- burglars f rom lifting yo ur w indows up vertic
ally. - Use unbreakable glass the
if you
a re ready to
spend those are burglar cannot break)
f it in, easily
thesc rews should be not opened. It should be f
itted in a
way that burglarca nnot open.
6A larm System
Ala rm systems are the
best when burglar alarms rings can
someone has
enter wa rn
the home us that
enter ed our maintained system needs maintenance.
home. properly
It should be
as a larm
It should
be installed
on your entrance
or if
yo u ca nnot
aff ord individua lly
a soc iety system
meeting and during
sec urity check-ins so that under building mainten
a nce and
it comes
only one alarm system is enough.
7Protect ing your home w he n you a re away
- Put TV, Radio or lights t imer to make
- them go on and off night so that your
during day and home appears
- occ upied
- Do not wr ite any notes on an entra nce
- that you are away f rom home for some of the
reasons. - Stop milk and newspaper delivery, if
- the
- delivery is kept outside f or so long it makes
burglar to - f igure out easily that homeowner 1s
- not present at home for so long.
- Leave your planned route with a
- neighbor, in case of an emergency, it would be
easy to contact.
8Gua rd
Contact with your neighbors and have a
meeting to hire a f ull-time
unarmed sec urity servic es in your
society. Check with secur ity guards
compa nies in Los
Angeles who professional
can help you in f inding a and trained sec
urity guard
who knows thef t policies and can handle
your soc iety well when such kind
of emergency occurs.